PANAM: What they need and what they will offer

Day 1,155, 04:04 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

This article is purely opinion and speculation. It is not guaranteed fact.

If an alliance such as PANAM was to try to ensure that its biggest member was safe from invasion, the first thing it would need to do, would be minimise the amount of countries who had the means, or potential means, for invading this big nation.

For arguments sake, lets say that the USA could not be invaded with just two nations, (Poland and Spain). On the face of it, that invasion would take a minimum of 20+ days alone, just to take the USA's original territories. With, say, 5 or 6 countries, this feat could be achieved in less than half that time, potentially.

Again, lets pretend that the UK and France were potentially involved. It would be of great importance to the USA to not only try to avert a direct confrontation with these countries, but also, try to ensure that in the future they did not "swap" other countries into a border with the USA; again for arguments sake, lets say these countries are Serbia or Hungary.

I am sure most would agree, that to try to stop an invasion from two of the most powerful nations in eRepublik, alongside two of the other most powerful nations (Poland and Spain), would definitely be up there on the "most important things to do" list of any administration

Therefore, the USA would be not only willing, but eager, to ensure that these countries were guaranteed to not assist in any war against them, and because of the chance of losing that war is so huge, would be willing to offer anything in exchange for the safety of knowing that two neighbours would not swap other nations into a direct border with them.

Should the UK be offered expansion to the west (as well as assurances that such a nation would never be supported in the future), north east and south east, it would seem an attractive offer. However, if they were also offered a chance to help America ensure its northern borders are secure, that would certainly create an offer which, on paper, would be enticing towards joining PANAM.

Not only does this offer sound good on paper, it also sounds incredibly good when presented with it in person.

Another nation that the USA could offer very handsome promises to (in person, and on paper), would be France. France has natural borders with the USA, but also with one of the countries which is involved in talks in the invasion of the USA; Spain. Not only can Spain invade America, they could also instigate a campaign of region swaps to bring more countries to the party. Thus, an invasion of Spanish original territories would be hugely in the USA's favour; and that is why France would have to consider an attractive offer from PANAM.

Again, it would take a gargantuan offer from the USA to even get France to sit at the table. What if they were offered The chance to finish a longstanding feud once and for all, The chance for some epic battles and Vital saltpeter resources.

Those offers, presented in person to representatives of each nation, would certainly make hot news. But what could the USA do to try and ensure that their offers were heard by more receptive ears?

If they offered them not only to the current governments of each state, but also, to individuals considering (re)running for office in each nation, with the promise of funds, personnel and voters if an election got close, they would certainly have some sympathetic administrations to deal with.

Of course, thanks to the eRepublik laws on accusations and the inadmissibility of out of game proof, it would be impossible for someone who has been contacted with such offers to publicly prove them, but if such a person decided to write an article which was purely hypothetical, and outlined the reasons why such deals were vital to the USA, it would almost certainly show the public of nations that their country is being unfairly manipulated.

So lets hope that someone who has been contacted comes forward, and writes a hypothetical article about the situation, shall we? 😉

Lots of love,
A guy with an interesting inbox