PACE - Alex Craciun vs. smif

Day 435, 03:58 Published in Romania Romania by Alex Craciun
NU! Articolul asta nu e despre ce ai banuit atunci cand ai citit titlul!
Nu exista un razboi intre mine si smif, deci nu avem de ce sa facem pace.


The actual contract is signed between the following parts:
- State of Romania, represented by the_mihai as President of Romania
- State of Hungary, represented by Adam Zahovay as President of Hungary.

The both parts decided to set a deal with the following terms:

1. ADMIN will guarantee this contract until they will launch an International Organization (like ONU in real world) in which every free country will be represented. At that moment, only this Organization will judge the trial and apply the penalties to the guilty part of this contract and not the ADMIN.
2. The contract is valid until every term settled in it will be respected and until any debt resulting from not respecting any of the following terms is paid.
3. The penalty for not respecting any of the following terms is 5.000 GOLD.
4. Hungary will pay to Romania a total amount of 1.200 GOLD, phased this way:
a. 200 GOLD when Hungary will send the peace proposal
b. 200 GOLD on 20th of December 2008
c. 200 GOLD on 20th of January 2009
d. 200 GOLD on 20th February 2009
e. 200 GOLD on 20th of March 2009
f. 200 GOLD on 20th of April 2009
4. Hungary will give up all the rights upon Slovakian regions (Bratislava and Western Slovakia) anytime Slovakia will declare war upon Hungary and only IF the President of Romania will ask the war, this will be done by a post on this thread written by the President of Romania at that time. In this case, the Hungarian President has the obligation to quit defending the Slovakian regions, using the “Retreat troops” option of Erepublik but no later than 24 hours since the battle started.
5. If Slovakia will start the war without President of Romania accept, Romania will not help in a official manner the war, and the President of Hungary is not obligated to use “Retreat troops” option.
6. During 6 months time starting the day when the contract was signed, Romania will not help Slovakia to conquer the Hungarian region, Western Transdanubia,
7. During 6 months time starting the day when the contract is signed, Hungary will not start any Resistance War in any of its regions situated in Romania.
8. During 6 months time starting the day when the contract is signed, Romania and Hungary will not start any war one against another.

In case of any violation of the present contract, the penalty will be undertaken, judged and applied by Erepublik ADMIN (due to the Contract Rules: , in the following manner:
- The money will be withdrawn from the guilty state accounts and moved to the other state accounts at the time of the request of the other state, until the debt will be covered.
- If the incriminated state does not have enough GOLD, the difference will be paid with the state’s national currency from the state accounts, using the following conversion rates:
o 200 RON = 1 GOLD
o 200 HUF = 1 GOLD

[modificare de ultima ora solicitata de ADMIN]
ADMIN will guarantee this contract until they will launch an International Organization (like ONU in real world) in which every free country will be represented. At that moment, only this Organization will judge the trial and apply the penalties to the guilty part of this contract and not the ADMIN.

Approved and signed, today the 18th of November 2008, Day 364 of the New World!


Participants to the process:
1. Romania, represented by President smif and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Andrew McWilliams. President smif will be empowered to sign the peace contract on behalf of the Romanian side, and his commitment is to be honoured by his successors.
2. Hungary, represented by President hekkat and Minister of Foreign Affairs Quicksilver. President hekkat will be empowered to sign the peace contract on behalf of the Hungarian side, and his commitment is to be honoured by his successors.

Peace treaty draft:
1. All previous agreements between Romania and Hungary are hereby declared void.
2. Hungary will pay Romania 400 Gold for breaking the initial cease-fire and will publish an officially apology for this action.
3. With this treaty, Romania expresses the intention to give back all original regions to Hungary, namely Szeged (Southern Plain), Miskolc (Northern Hungary), Budapest (Central Hungary), Pécs (Southern Transdanubia) and Debrecen (Northern Great Plain).
4. Hungary and Romania agree to liberate the above-mentioned regions by means of resistance wars. Details are available within the appendix.
5. Hungary will support the full cost of starting the above-mentioned resistance wars.
6. Romania will agree to insert a clause into the peace contract, by which she will not interfere within the results of any elections held within Hungary.
7. Hungary and Romania sign a Non-Aggression Pact for the next six months.
8. The party which breaks the signed NAP is liable to pay 1000 Gold for the other party.

Regions to be liberated, their order, the user that will initiate the resistance war and the date agreed on for the resistance war to begin:
1. Szeged (Southern Plain) – TaviTav, in the same day peace will be voted for, at an hour both sides will agree on.
2. Budapest (Central Hungary) – Iluavatar, the day in which Southern Plain becomes part of Hungary.
3. Pécs (Southern Transdanubia) – dabestof, the day in which Central Hungary becomes part of Hungary.
4. Miskolc (Northern Hungary) – cipax23, the day in which Southern Transdunabia becomes part of Hungary.
5. Debrecen (Northern Great Plain) – Astromaniac, the day in which Northern Hungary becomes part of Hungary.

Note: The Hungarian side will donate the sum of gold necessary to start a resistance war to the named player. The Romanian side will take responsibility for all the named players.

Acest articol este menit sa prezinte cele doua tratate de pace negociate in razboiul Romania vs. Ungaria, primul negociat de mine, al doilea negociat de smif.

Unul nu a fost semnat din cauza adminilor si a repetatelor lor amanari, celalalt nu a fost semnat din cauza refuzului uneia dintre parti de a plati suma de bani stabilita.

Unul a fost adus la cunostinta congresului Romaniei, celalalt doar la cunostinta cetatenilor unguri.

Unul lasa Ungaria cu doar o regiune si cu 1.200 de gold mai saraca, celalalt reda toate regiunile Ungariei si o lasa cu doar 400 de gold mai saraca.