P.O.T.A.T.O.E. / C.E.S. Public Relations Policy

Day 1,090, 11:08 Published in USA USA by P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Org Raw Goods
Department of the Interior | Department of Education | Department of Citizen Orders | Department of Human Resources | USA Welcoming Committee | The Army Times | James S. Brady Press Room

Interviewing and Publication Policy
The interests of P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. must be protected whenever presented to non-Organization members. On the occasion that a P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S member is called upon to prepare documentation, brief non-P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. members, or be interviewed concerning the Organization, the views expressed must be in accordance with the goals and intentions of the association. The guidelines provided in this policy should ensure that
a reasonable level of uniformity and consistency between the different presentations of P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S.

Independent of the type of presentation, (interview, brief, or published documentation) the P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. leadership should be made aware of the upcoming presentation. The P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. member and the P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. leadership should agree on the theme of the presentation. The identity of P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. members should be protected at all times. Names of individual members or their employers should not be disclosed without the permission of the individual and the employer.


During interviews with members of the press, controlling the image of P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. being presented can be difficult. Proper preparation for the interview will minimize the risk of embarrassment. Hence, all questions should be submitted in writing prior to the interview. The P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. leadership should review the submitted questions, agree on
the predilection of the answers, and identify the appropriate interviewee.

During the interview, the demeanor of the interviewee is as important as the content of the answers. The interviewee should adhere to the following guidelines:

• Tailor answers to the expected audience and to the context of the interview. For example, if the interview is with a local newspaper on economic espionage, use simple sentences and basic facts to answer technical questions and focus answers on the benefits of P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. initiatives with respect to economic espionage avoiding unrelated topics.

• Questions concerning sensitive information should be avoided. The interviewer has the right to quote whatever the interviewee says, hence be on guard for questions seeking inappropriate information.The interviewee should NEVER argue with the interviewer.

Briefs and Publications

Briefings and publications create a permanent record of the speaker or author's views and opinions, hence such presentation required greater deliberation than interviews. The views presented must be in accordance with the views and attitudes of P.O.T.A.T.O.E. Organization / C.E.S. Prior to distribution of any briefing material or publication, the author must obtain authorization to distribute the material from the Organization.

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