Our Survey Results

Day 1,549, 14:50 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

So a few days ago I made a survey regarding eCanada’s position on our current alliance system and other alliances. So here are the results.
We had 25 respondents (including one person using my name).
1) Which Alliance is your favourite?
To this question the respondents had four different opinions.

As you can see almost 50% of eCanadians say that their favourite alliance is ONE. 40% of Canadians say that they do not like our current alliances we are part of. 16% said that they like the Baltic alliance ABC. 44% of eCanadians said that they like the new alliance EPIC an alliance of Pro ONE countries.
2) Should we leave TERRA and/or EDEN?
To this question we had our respondents have four different opinions. Here is a chart.

So here we have 52% of eCanadians wanting us to leave both EDEN and TERRA and join ONE. Leaving EDEN has 20% of eCanadians said they want us to leave just EDEN. This seemed to be the least popular choice among Canadians. 40% of Canadians they want us to just leave TERRA double of non-EDEN supporters. The last category was leaving EDEN and TERRA and becoming Neutral. We’ve had 36% of respondents chose this category.
3) Would you like our congressmen/women, alliance representatives and president to at least discuss switching alliances?

Here we’ve had 100% support for at least discussing of switching alliances. 64% said that we should at least discuss a change of scenery, and 36% said full support of ONE.
4) Are you a Congressman/woman or in any governmental position to bring this into discussion?
An optional question, 6 congressmen/women had responded to the question. This will lead us to our next question.
5) If you answered yes to the previous question, are you going to bring it up in congress?
Of our 6 congress members 6 said yes. Another 9 said yes also. So we have 15 out of 6 congress men who took the survey responding with yes.
4) Once we join ONE what shall we do?
The most open ended question I’ve had many responses. Here is a chart.

*We'll invade the US to get to Russia, then go to China, before expanding further through Russia so we can help our European allies, We can go through Bulgaria, and Ukraine to border Poland. Provided By Ultimate523
**Includes Portugal, Canada lolwut?, I vote we impeach Addy for discussing it, Canada, Botswana and Neptune, Quebec and Belarus, Romania, Moldova.

These are pretty interesting results. Choosing more than one option was available. 40% said we should invade USA. 44% said invade Russia. Personally I like this opinion. 28% said invade our Finnish neighbours. 36% said invade our French neighbours. 40% said invade the Irish. Why not? 20% said supporting our ONE allies, pretty weak showing there, joining ONE but not supporting them. A total of 56% chose our extra option provided by Ultimate523. It’s a brilliant plan, we’ll invade the US to get to Russia, then go to China, before expanding further through Russia so we can help our European allies, We can go through Bulgaria, and Ukraine to border Poland. This man should become MoD. 24% provided another opinion, and they were interesting answers. Portugal was suggested. 2 Canadas and a Quebec, Romania, Moldova Neptune and Belarus were also mentioned. Also the mythical EDEN Botswana country sounds like a great idea. And last but not least, we should impeach Addy Lawrence for discussing it trolololololo.

So One thing to ask our government, Discuss joining ONE, 100% of Canadians Support it.

Winner of the 5 gold will be in the comments