Our Next Presidential Elections' Candidates

Day 1,080, 16:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Eliyah Duff


Time for Presidential Elections has finally came and I can't wait to see what will, certainly be, an exciting race!

First candidate:

Octavius Dryst, Irish Union Party

Octavius isn't supported by any other parties than his, but he surely got chances to become Country President with the support from IUP. Octavius was 13 times congressman and he's attempting to get his first CP mandate. His candidature is still to confirm but he might run.

He haven't published any platform yet.

Second Candidate:

moomoohead, Economic Free Thinkers Society

Moo isn't supported by any other party neither but he has a complete platform and many goals selected. In my opinion, I think moomoohead is the most prepared candidate, but other candidates make me undecided. He was 6 times congressman and already had one mandate as CP. His goals are:

-increase population by 12%
-increase GDP by 7%
-control regions of London, South East of England, Wales and West Midlands

Here's a link to his platform: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/moo-for-president1-1560169/1/20

Third Candidate:

mirek12345, Independant Voices

Mirek isn't supported by other parties too and has lots of chance to become President. He has a developped manifesto and goals selected, like the past candidate. Mirek is a very respectable citizen of Ireland with a lot of experience. He've been 6 times congressman and never been CP before.

His goals are the following:

-Increase population by 5%
-Increase GDP by 7%
-Control regions of London, Soouth East of Ireland, South West of Ireland and Wales

Here's a link to his platform:


Forth and Last Major Candidate:

orangejuicemmm, Invade UK Party

Orangejuicemmm is supported by two other parties: Aire Aontaithe and Labour Party. I think orangejuicemmm got all the skills necessary to become CP, and also got a lot of boldness. He wrote a great manifesto and got audacious goals: Invade UK! It's a dream we have but isn't this risky? Anyways, he was 8 times congressman but never been CP anytime before.

Here are his goals:

-Increase population by 5%
-Increase GDP by 10%
-Control United Kingdom

Link to his manifesto: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/moar-on-the-man-ifesto-1563040/1/20

So that's all for me today! I hope you will vote very carefully on the 5th and make the good choice for Ireland's future Country President!

Don't forget, one vote can change history.