Our Newest Commander In Chief

Day 1,447, 13:36 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Congratulations to GoalieBCSC

If it doesn't seem like the USWP is on a role, than let me just point out this fast fact: The last time a NON-USWP candidate won the Presidency was in July, when the always wonderful Blank Keating won election and served though what was a term of rebuilding. It seems as if one party running the White House might be the new norm, but then again, I don't care about the parties so much as I care about the country. Congrats to GoalieBCSC on his election to the Presidency of our fine nation, and he surely has my support. I think he is already well aware that his term is sure not to be an easy one, but with the help of Congress and the loyal fighters of our dedicated nation, we should be able to overcome the immense issues of the day and once return to the throne of the world.

Last Article's Major Question

No one messaged me the correct answer to the last question of the day, which was why is my vote not going to be told for 72 days from yesterday. Someone guessed about the Kardashian Wedding drama in RL, but the correct answer was only related to the number 72. United States Census records are made available to the public at no charge after 72 years have passed. The Portcolumbus voting records shall do the same. Find out who I voted for in these elections in 71 more days, assuming any of us still find this game interesting.

Quiet Congressional Term

Either the flu I have been suffering from in RL has me out of it, or this has been the most quiet 10 days I've ever served in Congress. Maybe there is no work to be done, and in that case why not ask the CBO to rent us out this wonderful home picutred below for a large Congressional party. 400 members of the public can come, but they must each pay 500 USD, so that we can make a generous profit for charity (our pockets). Regardless, come on down and have a great time with me, your favorite member of Congress.


Being that I'm not running for a 4th consecutive term in Congress this month, I see it fit to find some serious hobbies to fill the void. I tried out several Hollywood actresses, and only got 6 full pill bottles for antiviarals for the next 6 months. I am thinking of writing an eBiography, and in all seriousness, my question of the day is: If I wrote an eBiography of myself, would you read it?

eUS Congressman