Our Congressional Peepz

Day 643, 12:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Mornin' guv'nas

Well as you should hopefully know, the congressional elections for the August-September term are tomorrow.

This month sees the entry of many capable candidates into the election running, both in the RFA and without, and this party has no doubt that whoever the people of our proud nation elect they will be competent individuals.

Due to the UK's recent occupation of what is commonly refered to as "Midgetland" (due to the inability to spell its real name) there are only 2 fixed seats per region. Meaning there will be 26 fixed places, with 14 wildcards, making each and every race in the country that bit more competitive.

It should be a super fun day for all then, eh...?

So, without further ado, let us introduce the main candidates representing the Radical Freethinkers Alliance this election.

East Midlands:
Litro - Manifesto = Six Reasons why you should vote Litro for East Midlands

East Of Englan😛

John Bartlett - Manifesto = John Bartlett For Congress


Candyman82 - Manifesto = Re-elect Official RFA Candidate Candyman82

(or some such)
Chris Dakteer - Manifesto = Manifesto for Midtjylland's House Of Commons Seat

Northern Ireland

AltmerVampire - Manifesto = AV Says Sup

South East Of England

R.R. Napier - Manifesto = R.R. Napier's Manifesto For Elections In The South East

South West Of England


Yorkshire & Humberside

IndieKid - Manifesto = Congressional Manifesto

Good luck to all contestants

Let the games...