Ostin: [Urgent] All eIndonesians Move To eAustralia And Take eAussie Citizenship

Day 1,008, 08:13 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin


Ini adalah artikel yang SANGAT PENTING!!!

Banyk warga eYunani, eRomania, eUSA memiliki KTP eAustralia dan berusaha untuk melakukan PTO pada koloni yang kita miliki.

kita membutuhkan lebih banyak warga di eAustralia

eIndonesia, ini adalah cara untuk pindah dan memperoleh citizenship

1. beli dua tiket q2 dan dua tiket q1. Silahkan beli ticket sendiri terlebih dahulu dan akan di gantikan nanti, , TOLONG PINDAH SEKARANG dan PM orang2 ini untuk mendapatkan ganti dari ticket yang kamu beli karena kita butuh gerak cepat disini dan tidak bisa membuang2 waktu.


2. Pindah ke eSingapore terlebih dahulu, kemudian pindah ke teritori manapun di eAustralia. hal ini dikarenakan eIndonesia sedang dalam keadaan war, sehingga tidak dapat berpindah ke eAustralia secara langsung. Anda harus melewati ke negara netral.

3. Apply KTP eAustralia; isi dengan bahasa ALAY

4. Untuk mengetahui untuk siapa vote anda; silahkan tanya ke #alun-alun (Server - Rizon) [ irc://irc.rizon.net/alun-alun ]

5. Jika anda merasa ragu silahkan PM

atau baca koran ini untuk informasi lebih detail siapa yang harus di vote

6. Vote lalu kembali ke eIndonesia

silahkan hubungi nama berikut untuk mendapatkan kewarganegaraan segera

Its an urgent article:

Many eGreeks, eRomanians and eASU have taken up Citizenships in eAustralia and is attempting to PTO our colony. they have come there in huge numbers.

We need more and more citizens in eAustralia.

eIndonesia this is how to Move and Apply for citizenship?

1. Buy two Q2 ticket and 1 Q1 ticket. Please buy his own ticket in advance and will be replaced later, PLEASE MOVE NOW and PM these people to get compensation from the ticket that you buy because we need to move quickly here and do not have much time.


2. Move to eSingapore first and then to any territory eAustralia . This is due the fact that eIndonesia has war with eAustralia so you cannot move directly. you have to go through a neutral nation.

3. Apply for eAustralian citizenship.

4. Know whom to vote for:
please come in #alun-alun (Server - Rizon) [ irc://irc.rizon.net/alun-alun ]
or read this newspaper which will give the details for whom to vote for:


5. for doubts please Pm:


6. Vote and then come back to eIndonesia.

Phoenix citizens if you can spare a bit of time. please kindly help eIndonesia and move to eAustralia. This is really important for us and for Phoenix.

Please Contact these people for citizenship's urgently:


Know whom to vote for:
please come in #alun-alun (Server - Rizon) [ irc://irc.rizon.net/alun-alun ]
or read this newspaper which will give the details for whom to vote for:


Thank You All,


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