Ori’s Local & World Report - Dec 10th

Day 1,116, 04:48 Published in Japan Japan by Origineel.NL

South Korean Aggression ?

Yesterday Japan went to Defcon 1, as South Korean forces seemed to be trying to do a region swap with eJapan, without any discussions or negotiation about it. This was perceived as a act of war by eJapan. Now however we are going back one step on the Defcon ladder to Defcon 2 as diplomatic discussions are going on between eJapan and eSouth Korea about possible miscommunication leading to this war. Meanwhile the fighting is still going on with a victory today for eJapan as we managed to fend off the South Korean forces in Kinki, which means eJapan has the initiative and can now go on to the offensive. Japanese Resistance fighters were also able to free Chugoku from South Korean occupation.

Alvida(Goodbye) India

The world has to say good bye to India as they have been wiped off the map by Pakistan. They held out against Pakistan with only one region left for almost a month, but yesterday they were no longer able to keep the Pakistanis back. Pakistan did offer peace before they conquered India, but the demands of this peace treaty were ridiculously high(2500 gold & India could keep one region) for India to even consider accepting it. The Indian President isn’t expecting to see India back on the map soon, but he also said that it depends on how much support he can get from his allies.

Hungarians steal from South African treasury

A PTO group consisting of Hungarians has reportedly stolen over 800k in various currency and over 1800 gold from South Africa. The PTO group which holds a majority in congress and has the CP did this by donating money to their own national bank of South Africa. To read more about this you can go to the article written by Stryke Blayde called How much have the Hungarian PTOers Stolen? Find out here.

Naturel Enemy

The Admis managed to find another way to make Erepublik evolve even more around wars. This time they added a new option, the Natural Enemy, this means countries can now set a natural enemy every 7 days and get a free war together with a extra 10% influence bonus. During a war started by setting a neighbor as you natural enemy you cant propose peace for 7 days. A lot of people fear that this new option will make it easier for bigger countries to take-over small nations as there is no longer any costs involved, which might have hold back a country from declaring war in the past.

Here is a list of Countries who already made use of this new option:

Hungary has declared Romania as a Natural Enemy
Serbia has declared Croatia as a Natural Enemy
South Korea has declared Japan as a Natural Enemy
Croatia has declared Serbia as a Natural Enemy
Romania has declared Hungary as a Natural Enemy
Sweden has declared Denmark as a Natural Enemy
Denmark has declared Sweden as a Natural Enemy
Estonia has declared Latvia as a Natural Enemy

The following countries are voting on a Natural Enemy:

Poland > Germany
Italy > Germany
Japan > South Korea
Venezuela > Columbia
Chile > Columbia
Columbia > Chile
China > Pakistan
Slovenia > Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina > Serbia
Latvia > Lithuania
Lithuania > Latvia
Russia > Latvia
Finland > Estonia
Pakistan > Thailand
Philippines > Malaysia