Operation Buffer Zone

Day 477, 08:24 Published in USA USA by U.S. Naval War Collage

I woke up this morning to find that there was a new resistence war going on that involved the US.
"A resistance has started in Oaxaca, USA
10 hours ago"

Suprised, I had to find out who the hell to fight for, thankfully I managed to find the answer in an article. I then proceeded to fight FOR the resistence. People, if you fight AGAINST the resistence, that marks you as a traitor, since if we keep that region, the Portugese and MPPs will be able to keep going and attack the rest of our newly won territories. With our weapon prices this high, we wouldn't be able to keep them back.

When we lose Oaxaca, the Portugese will have to either delcare war of Mexico, or move all their troops to Mexico so they can continue fighting. Which ones sounds more economical?

If we are able to keep the Portugese out by having a Buffer State, Mexico, we can wait a little while so our weapon prices come down.

The last attacks for the Final Push were all failures. We only gained the Southeast because the President of Mexico did a very smart thing from their standpoint. By withdrawing, that allowed the US to win, and Portugal, along with all of its allies, to fight the US.

You already have Joe, Alby, and our NG Officers SCREAMING at you to help the resistence.

As of right now, 8:16 Erep Time, the US is winning the fight, but the RESISTENCE needs to win in order for us to not lose any more gains!

9919/3800 - - - - - - - The Resistence Battle

It should be

Go fight for your country!!!!!!!!

Vote it up! People will then know WHY to fight for the resistence!