Open letter to the government of Belgium

Day 815, 06:48 Published in Belgium Belgium by shadowukcs

Dear ppl of Belgium, dear ppl of EDEN, Phoenix and Neutral nations

This is a open letter addressed to the government and to Olv007, eBelgian president in particular. This is a responds to his article EDEN, go Home

Dear olv,

Let me first say that I am getting sick and tired of your “Belgium for RL Belgium’s”-slogan. At first I thought you were just a bit frustrated that you didn’t had full power in congress, but now I’m just starting to get enough of it. It is just plain racist and if you continue with doing it, I WILL report you for racism and I assure you, you WILL get banned for it. This is a game that is open to everyone and everyone should be welcome in eBelgium, whether they are RL Belgian, RL American, RL Russian or RL Indonesian… Everyone is welcome here and slogans like “Belgium for RL Belgians only” show not only racist behavior but also little understanding of this game. I am a RL Belgian, proud of it and I for one feel deeply ashamed when countrymen like you post such slogans. Everyone should be welcome here if they are willing to help the country out. And that is exactly what those so called “EDEN forces” are doing. I know many of the ppl reading this won’t believe me so I invite you all to take a look at the Belgian forums:

clickme (mutual protection pact discussion)

Here you see me and jason contributing to helping out in the debate on how to preserve our neutrality. Giving idea’s and making contributive posts. Where do you see Olv in this debate? Strange coz I don’t see him. Surely a president must have some opinion or input on matters of how to preserve our neutrality?

Let’s take a further look

In these topics here

clickme (discussion on gift taxes)

clickme (discussion on weapon tax)

clickme (discussion on housing tax)

Jasonalwaysready, Rod Damon and Jarhead debating about taxes and our economy. Look at those debates and see who has contributed the most to the essence of the issue? Who has given the best advice? Indeed, those so called “EDEN congressmen”… And yet again, the question remains: where Is Olv007, our dear president, in this very important debate??? Exactly, nowhere to be found

Let’s have a look at this:

discussion about the political structure

A large post made by me to set up a political structure. This structure was later used and implanted in Belgium. What is Olv’s structure? Where is Olv’s input? You would think that a president is supposed to be present at a important thing like a political structure debate or should at least have a opinion about this? … apparently not.

Or what about this

clickme (proposal for a translation team)

ThomasRED wants to set up a translation team. Who’s the first to offer his help? Exactly Jasonalwaysready, one of those so called “evil congressmen”. This man doesn’t speak dutch, French or German but is still willing to help out and put his time in this for the sake of eBelgium. Why doesn’t Olv007 (who does speak fluently French, Dutch and English btw) apply??

Or what about this?

clickme (debate where we set up a military structure)

we are setting up a military structure. Who brings in proposals and gives advice on how to set such thing up? Exactly me and Wektras (a RL Pole). What is Olv’s contribution to this debate? What is his opinion on the military? How would he like to see it?? We can only guess, as Olv didn’t participate in the debate.. nor in any of the other debates in the military section.
We can only guess seeing as Olv didn’t saw the need to participate in the debate I can only guess he doesn’t care for the military… nor for taxes it seems…. Nor for a political structure…. Nor for translation…

Do such contributions look like the actions of a PTO squad to you? Do you really think that a PTO squad in interested in helping the country they are PTO'ing? no!!

I can go on and on with naming things where we have contributed in and Olv didn’t even bother making one post. In fact, I dare Olv here to post in this topic one thing he has done for eBelgium in his function as president so far. One constructive debate he has contributed to severely in so far. One topic, one achievement in the 2 (or is it 3) weeks he’s been president of eBelgium. Because as far as I can see, Olv has done nothing in those 2 weeks. Absolutely zero. His only achievement in those 2 weeks is that he has made a government that he knew would get protest and has done nothing but complaining about a few rogue congressmen who made some fake proposals (in which we, his so called “EDEN PTO’ers” voted against to help him out) and moan around about congress voting against ThomasRED as MoD.

If it wasn’t for our contributions, this country would be at the exact same level as it was 3 weeks ago when Belgium was RW’d. If it wasn’t for us, nothing here would have changed. WE HAVE DONE MORE FOR BELGIUM THEN HE HAS!

In fact, I think this whole fuss is just Olv being pissed that congress voted Thomasred out as MoD. That is why he’s doing this whole thing. Congress had a democratic vote of no confidence in Thomasred as MoD and he was voted out. This action was not only supported by many congressmen, but also by many citizens (several RL Belgians and party members of Olv). Even ThomasRED his own generals didn’t agreed with him being MoD. Even after this congressional vote, it seems as Olv refuses to accept congress his decision as we still don’t have a MoD (or not even a “who wants to be MoD”-topic). This whole thing is not because we are a PTO squad (because we are not), and not because we are foreigners. This is because we disagree in a democratic way, with Olv’s decisions. And he can’t accept that, so instead of debating and finding a solution he attacks us on our RL nationality and our past in e-rep. Which in my opinion is plain sad and shows how desperate he is.

Olv, it’s time you see the facts, we are NOT a PTO force. We have contributed more to Belgium than you have and, unlike you, we accept democratic decisions made in congress. A president is not the master of a country but a servant of the public. And that is something you fail to see. Stop those racist “Belgium for RL Belgian” –slogans and accept that you can’t have everything your way. Stop nagging about a few foreign congressmen and start doing your job. Stop moaning every 5 minutes and learn that in this game congress has the power and the president must accept their decision. And if you can’t learn to accept that, then go play some other game. Belgium should be a place for everyone, regardless of their RL nationality.

Because we aren’t leaving. We are not a PTO group and we have all right to be here and help turn Belgium into a free and independent state.



RL Belgian

Ordinary guy staying in Belgium to help the country out and who enjoys building a country from scratch