Open Letter: Dear Irish

Day 576, 15:00 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Dear Ireland,

This is Dishmcds, a two time Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I do not know many of you, but am pretty good friends with Collins, (formerly) Vyse, Final Destiny, and a few others.

By now, you've seen the "invasion" of the Isle from the United Kingdom. By now, you've seen the "prank" or "readiness test", whichever you want to call it, and by now, you've read about the "impeachment of Nith" in your media.

But I have an honest question and some honest responses for you.

Before I get too far, I wrote an article here explaining the situation to the United Kingdom, and I hope you enjoy it. It's pretty calm and collected, and explains some of the benefits.

In the History of Ireland, once the collapse and combination of the Northern Alliance into ATLANTIS, Ireland has chosen to remain neutral. This means that, outside of the Training War you've had with the US, you've had no wars to deal with. This also means you've grown a bit stagnant in terms of growth (I believe you grew pretty well one or two months, but otherwise not much), and most of your population moves elsewhere to fight more often.

In the UK, we're experiencing a similar situation after the collapse of ATLANTIS. We do not want to join an alliance (we're all disagreeing on the benefits of each), yet we want the opportunity for constant war and training, as we want to stimulate growth in the Military and Economy, which is required in Erepublik.

Whether we like it or not, we must fight at some point, and in my opinion this is the best way for both countries.

Let's look at it from a realistic point of view for a moment.

-You cannot test your organisation or abilities in Real Wartime situations without drills.
-You're weapons and gift markets are entirely dependant on war.
-Population counts are much easier to recruit with in times of war, as not only new citizens but people from all over the World travel to fight.

Please, I'm asking you to consider those benefits. We can both continue to train, we can withstand the "Alliance" mentality until we're both ready, and we can continue relations.

I do not understand why people feel the need to look a gift horse, especially one with good intentions and results, in the mouth.

Five Term Erepublik President/Prime Minister