Onward to Socialism!

Day 898, 13:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

Greetings, comrades.

I thought I'd write a little something to tell you all a little bit about what we're about here at PCP.

First I want to get something very clear:

PCP is a socialist party.

The People's Communist Party seeks to create a socialist eUK. Period.

But doesn't that make you the same as TUP?

Certainly not. While some members of the TUP are socialists, and some are even open to some nationalisation, PCP is the only party that seeks to ensure that citizens are paid a fair wage, that capitalist exploitation is removed from the eUK, and that we should strive for a worker-friendly economic system. We are radical socialists; not social democrats, who cannot provide an alternative to capitalism, merely a slightly enhanced version of it.

So what would a socialist eUK look like?

In the context of eRepublik, some form of centralisation is sadly necessary. Companies must be placed under the control of the people in order to ensure a long-lasting socialist future. With such short terms in the game, it is no use putting the means of production in the hands of the State when a right-wing government can be put into power within a month, and halt the revolution. The struggle must be primarily outside the political sphere to ensure long-lasting gains. The State is a useful tool that can be harnessed only when the workers are ready for a full-scale revolution.

In case this all sounds rather authoritarian, be assured by the following two points:

1. Inefficient socialism will not be able to compete with capitalism
2. Exploitative 'socialism' will not be able to compete with capitalism

A socialist eUK will endure because the profits from businesses will go straight back to the workers. Workers will no longer be exploited by a capitalist master; instead, the gains from their work will pass directly into their hands. The revolution will be kept in check both by the workers themselves, and by the threat of the re-emergence of capitalism. For socialism to survive, it must be a better deal for workers than capitalism.

Production for need

A socialist eUK will ensure that every worker has more than enough money to maintain their wellness. If this means a little bit of tax, so be it. We consider that the welfare of the new player, and the benefits gained from this such as improved retention and consequently activity, are worth a small amount of tax on the high-skilled few.

Production will be controlled with demand in mind under socialism. The market fluctuates wildly under capitalism, something that can be in many industries, notably in the last recession and subsequent recovery. Prices drop, causing capitalists to lower wages or go out of business, then later rise back, allowing capitalists to exploit the worker yet more. The market is not stable, and it does not provide a fair deal for the worker. To ensure stability and prosperity, there must be a plan; an economy structured to the needs of the workers.

Overproduction is also a problem. Prices never fall until more is being produced than is being sold. However, with goods like food, where only one piece can be consumed per day, an increase in consumption as the price falls doesn't necessarily happen. When capitalists see a price rise, and invest in a sector, all too often too many do so, and cause the price to fall until enough go out of business to stabilise things. Constant price fluctuations allow capitalists to get away with exploiting the workers, and dodge competition.

To libertarian socialists

I understand that some of these measures you might not be comfortable with. But in eRepublik, a game where the state is written into the game and cannot be removed, a game where it is impossible for workers to seize control of the means of production directly, an economical struggle is necessary. To improve the effectiveness of that, we also need centralisation of resources. That being said, the movement is a free association - the PCP will never enforce anything on players who have different ideas or beliefs; they are free to act as they please.

Method of struggle

The PCP believes that struggle against the capitalist system must be undertaken freely, and that capital must be acquired to directly provide the means of production to the workers without exploitation. To this end, party members are encouraged to work in the communes, and pool our collective resources towards the ending of capitalism. At such time as is possible, the PCP will seek to directly intervene in the market and gain control of as much of it as we can, until the whole market is socialised, and providing a fair deal to the workers. The PCP grudgingly accepts that small profit margins may sometimes be necessary to assist in raising capital for further expansion, but its overarching aim is to abolish exploitation entirely.


We're heading towards socialism


Economic struggle, retaliation and counter-revolution awaits us