One eNation? Doesnt look like it...

Day 689, 07:12 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Over the last couple of days since I have become a Congressman, I saw some very interesting things form. Things that, quite frankly, I don't think ANY eIsraeli want to see, hear, or know is going on in their very own nation, their nationality. These Presidential Elections that just occured (by the way, congrats CJ) ripped eIsrael apart. There was very uncalled for writing in the debate, and uncalled for response to it. eIsrael is slowly delving into factions, I now see. Now I speak for myself, but I do believe I speak for all of eIsrael when I say this HAS TO STOP.

There was name-calling, political mudslinging, and just normal mud-slinging all through this political election. People were being criticized for voting strictly along "party lines" and not who they thought was best. There were false lies, arguments, and the like over the smallest of things. Over the course of this election, we broke out of eIsrael. We became The IWP's eIsrael, the IPP's eIsrael, the Kadima Party's eIsrael, the Cosolidation Party's eIsrael, and the Israeli Nationalist Meritocracy eIsrael. We are slowly ripping into sections of eIsrael. We are forgetting that we are all eIsraeli's no matter what party. We have to be able to debate cleanly with all sides heard, and come to a reasonable conclusion.

Now I am not saying this election was trash. There were low points, of course, but this was a good election. 3 very good, reliable candidates ran- CJ, Soul Savage, and Charles. All 3 were worthy of the Presidency. CJ won again, which is good for him. Now instead of keeping this stupid party line enemies, we must become one unit to get more stuff done, whether it be bills, war's, or economy. Hopefully we can also learn from this election and keep the next one more sucessfully run. I also liked the fact that we had 3 candidates, and not 2. I despise 2 party elections. Parties are not my favoreite things in politics. I agree with George Washington on this point:

"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally."

Parties divide the nation. However it is human nature to make them now. We already have 5 here in eIsrael. So it's too late to say, hey no parties. What we have to do with this now is work past the parties and settle everything to be better for everyone as one nation. eIsrael.

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Congressman Sam Krakower