ONE big '' Thank you '' from eSerbia

Day 1,245, 06:56 Published in Spain Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

Hello Spain. Yesterday, we witnessed a great battle in Burgas. As some of you know, eSerbia proposed eRussia for Natural Enemy.
Burgas is the only teritory where eSerbia have a border with eRussia. Because of that, eBulgaria tried to ''RW'' that region. We saw Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia there, desperately trying to win that battle, so they can stop us in achieving our goals.
In spite of previously being overrun by eSerbia and eHungary, eCroatia and eRomania gave everything to won Burgas back.

When the score was 6:6 , we called all of our allies came to help us. After two astonishing mini battles, we saw '' ONE TO RULE THEM ALL '' scenario. Terra, Eden, and Bulgarian forces were overrun and to weak to win in Burgas.

In the name of eSerbian nation, we would like to show thankfulness to
Spanish people who fought in Burgas. We wouldn't succed without your help, that's for sure, and we will never forget this kind of favour.

There will be other ''thank you'' articles in all countries which fought in eSerbia, but sadly we must publish 1 article in 1 hour because of new rules, so be patient.


eSerbian MoFA team,