ONE alliance battle report

Day 1,298, 03:51 Published in Poland Chile by EduRaptor

- Dear readers

• In order to keep my promise of not publishing articles in serbian more, and wanting to write a project i planed for some time now... It will be like a sum up of everuthing new thats going on in our alliance, in social aspect, military, interesting events, etc. Although I feel the strong urge to comment on newest changes that made me, a 2 year old player the same as i started today (got some candies in return), i wont, I'll play my own game still, cause this one is shizzle for quite a long time... Lets start:

Number of colonies - 4 | Current NE - France

• Hungary continues its way to western Europe by its attack on french region Alasce. Currently, Huns are winning with 3-0. But yesterday, they lost the bridge to its western colonies, by losing the region of Salzburg in a RW, with result of 8-5. The region that forms connection of colonial land to mainland Hungary via Salzburg, Bavaria, is under german RW, in which we are pretty sure to win. The current result is 5-3, and 6th round is 90% secured. I think that the pass through France wont turn to be a major problem, but as we learn from serbian experience, night RWs may be an issue.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Priority 1 (high)
Priority 2 (low)
For updates, follow Hungary MoD official newspaper - Hadugyi Kozlony

Number of colonies - 11 | Current NE - Canada

• Sweedish campaign to Northern America is going on pretty well. They got a big chunk of Canada, but are now facing 3 RWs. Few minutes ago, Canadians succesfuly got back their region of Nunavut, with result 8-0. Norway is trying to liberate its region of Vestlandet, current result is 3-2 for Norway, but we are winning the 6th round currently. In the same time, we have Sweedish RW in Norway, trying to liberate region Jamtland Harjedalen, current result is 4-4, and we are currently losing the 5th round. Final RW is raised in Germany, region Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, its 4-3, and 8th round will be secured.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Not updated, it says Northwestern teritories, but that we already won that.
For updates, follow Sweedish MoD official newspaper - [The Swedish Military]

Number of colonies - 29 | Current NE - Croatia

• Macedonians succesfully grew to a major empire, and I wish to give my respect to them. They finished chasing greeks through Africa and Middle East, and yesterday finaly crushed greek ressistance in their last colony, in battle of Jizan. As you can see from this link, Macedonia holds 18-0 score against Greece in last battles, and in rounds, its 144-7. Truly amazing. They have currently open just 2 battles, RW of Molise, that is being liberated for Serbia, and battle of North Dalmatia, in which croats are currently winning 6-0. Macedonia is prepairing for final atack, and finaly wiping of its nemesis from the map.

»»Official MoD orders:««
For updates, follow Macedonian MoD official newspaper - Ministerstvo za Odbrana

Number of colonies - 8 | Current NE - USA

• Spaniards continue they rampage through USA. They are currently winning their 13th battle against Americans in a row, in battle of Nebraska, current result is 2-0, and we are gaining 3rd round easily. USA seems to be unable to give any serious ressistance, and Spain is in a good position compared to other ONE empires, cause they dont have to worry for numerous RWs, they can have just 1.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Priority 1 (high)
For updates, follow Spanish MoD official newspaper - National Defense Ministery

Number of colonies - 7 | Current NE - Italy

• Serbia faced a dificult day yesterday, and in a big big fight, we lost the Oltenia region. In reusult of this, a brand new country, Romania, apeared on the map today... Serbians are currently advancing to Italian mainland, in battle of Apulia, where our heroic armies are fighting with italian mafia, and winning 2-0, with 85% wall in 3rd round. We have no active RW's currently, which is quite a refreshment. After winning this battle, Serbia will try to secure Oil from Italian region Macedonians are giving us.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Not updated, it says RW's, but thats finished.
For updates, follow Serbian MoD official newspaper - Vojska Srbije

Number of colonies - 24 | Current NE - France

• Yeah, its true, poles have 24 colonies : D Joke aside, Poland continues campaign on France. Currently no active RW's, and we know that Poland faces the biggest number of RW's due to its large number of colonies. In the campaign against France, we are winning the battle of Picardy by 3-0, and currently easily securing the 4th round. Poland should watch out for RW's as i said, and same as Huns, i think France wont pose a greater problem.

»»Official MoD orders:««
Priority (medium)
Priority (medium)
Priority (medium)
For updates, follow Polish MoD official newspaper - Ministerstwo Obrony

• To sum it up, ONE rocks. We have 83 colonies under control, and progresing. Hope you liked the report, and if it gets good impressions, i will make it a regular part of my newspaper. Once again id like to apologize to my Polish friends for few articles in Serbian, and from now on, even if i do it, you will have an english translation. If you liked the report, you can shout it:

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