On We Go

Day 701, 19:48 Published in Canada Canada by William Duncan


On the 21st of October, eCanadian, EDEN and Allied Forces -spearheaded by an attack from the United States- successfully overran the PEACE GC and eHungarian forces occupying Manitoba.
This tremendous battle has concluded with an Empire humbled. Nonetheless, it is likely this humility will be replaced by the fire of a pride-filled longing for vengeance.

As a result of this Allied victory, our brothers in the United States now occupy Manitoba on our behalf. From Manitoba, our friends and allies in the United States have the ability to launch further offensives into eHungarian occupied Saskatchewan and Nunavut. Nunavut, which is much coveted for its High Diamond resources, is heavily fortified, and currently colonized by nearly a thousand eHungarians. It will not be liberated without an heroic fight.

Team Work FTW

The Victory in Manitoba could not have been possible without the coordination of the Allied Forces, composed of EDEN, Brolliance and independent fighting forces. The Allied strategy was a success, as eCanadian citizens fought passionately, thus endangering the occupied region of Nunavut. With Nunavut at risk, eHungary and PEACE GC were forced to divert troops to Nunavut's defense: by forcing eHungary to defend Nunavut, eCanadian citizens, Rangers and Reserves enabled an Allied Victory in Manitoba.

Meanwhile, across the New World, our friends in eNorth Korea -along with heavy support from our Polish allies- successfully fought to regain their independence. The damage wasted by PEACE GC in the defense of multiple fronts permitted Allied Forces to push through on two of them: in Manitoba and in North Korea's Hamgyong region.

To our Citizens, Rangers and Reserves: Excellent work. You followed your orders and fought passionately, and in doing so played an important part in today's major Allied victories.

To our Canadian Armed Forces' Regulars and Elites, who fought along with our Allies in the final charges that liberated Manitoba: Congratulations! You have proven yourselves to be a modern force, capable of unloading wall crushing damage in the space of a few minutes (100,000 damage delivered, to be exact).

To Our Friends, Allies and Brothers Abroa😛

What words can I say to you, dear friends and allies, except these: On behalf of a very grateful nation, I offer you our deepest thanks.

Together, we have proven that PEACE GC's gold and girth is no match for the coordination and precision of our combined armed forces.

Much More Remains To Be Done

Though today we celebrate, tomorrow we begin readying our forces, and preparing for more offensives. Our enemy is heavily militarized, and won't be underestimating us twice. The days ahead will be filled with victories, and also set backs; celebrations, and possibly humiliations; however, it is ultimately our resolve that shall determine whether or not our nation will be restored, and if today's victories are an indication of that resolve, then the road ahead is very promising for us indeed.

Thank you eCanada, and good night.

