On War; Tyler F. Durden's Response to Banach's Article: "War is Like Chess..."

Day 592, 11:30 Published in Canada Canada by eFight Club

Yesterday, Banach wrote an excellent article regarding eCanada's military raison d'etre.
It can be found here:


Firstly, we would like to start off by thanking Banach for his well thought out and articulate dialogue regarding eCanada's politically misguided CAF, and related military critique.

Recently, The Soap Box ran an article (July 1st, titled "Red Sky At Morning") related to Banach's article yesterday in "The Perfect Gentleman".

We at eFight Club have been raising awareness to many of Banach's points regarding a necessary correctional shift in military posture.

Prussian military thinker Carl von Clauswitz
http://www.clausewitz.com/ once sai😛

"Never fight war on your own soil."

That means, be prepared to defend the homeland. Be flexible.
Every eCanadian region which borders a non-continental region should have a Q5 DS and a Q5 Hospital. Population should be increased within such regions.

Obviously this refers to Newfoundland & Labrador.

With a whopping estimated population of 80 eCitizens, N&L - which also happens to be eCanada's ONLY source of Oil, is disgracefully unappreciated in strategic military thinking. The region which represents our very ability to conduct CAF expeditions (Oil = Moving Tickets) should have a population of 500 - minimum. This region represents the ability to SEND the CAF to the enemy - to fight him on HIS soil, so that we are not placed into the position of having to defend OUR soil. We lose that, then we are compelled to have to go to the Markets for Moving Tickets, or fight only on our soil, and only in regions adjacent to our own.

Easy, like math.

We need N/L not only ready for any military defence contingency operation, but as a staging area for CAF troops.

"Never fight war on your own soil."

That means, know who your enemies are.
Sure, sit back in your armchair, cross your arms and say;

"Oh, everyone knows who our enemies are, it's PEACE GC, eIndonesia, eHungary, eIran. We also sit on the fence with eSweden and ePoland..."

So, what are we preparing?
Better yet, what are THEY preparing?

We haven't been able to crack Fortress eEurope.


We know where the enemy is, and we obsess more about COBRAs and other political snakes - who incidentally are completely uninterested in what Banach, and eFight Club are talking about.

How are they uninterested? They are failing to address fundamental military issues. They are failing to promote sound state military doctrine. Banach is correct in questioning the size of the CAF. His numbers of 200 CAF, and 400 reserves are ambitious, indeed.

We think those numbers can be higher.
500 troops for the CAF, and every single eCanadian over level 6 as reserves.

In "Red Sky At Morning" we have outlined a detailed hypothetical plan of engagement with the enemy we all know we will one day fight again. There were many excellent comments.

We encourage this discussion, and Tyler F. Durden and eFight Club will never have it far from their minds.

Homework assignment:

1) Buy two Moving Tickets
2) Buy 3 Weapons
3) Go to a Battlezone
4) Fight!
5) Return home
6) Return to this page and post a comment detailing where you went, and how you fought.
(subscribing would make it easier)

Learn how to be mobile and which fights to participate in. Surf the ever expanding ripples of war, once the stone has been thrown into the lake of battle.

Tyler F. Durden

July 5 Update: eFight Club has chosen to edit this article. Just so that JT Vanguard does not appear to be a moron for commenting on aspects of this article which may no longer exist.