Oh, How Real Life Distracts So...

Day 1,100, 18:13 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Freeman
Genesis and Mission
To Compromise, or to Resist?
A Predicament


In another interruption of the real life, I have taken it upon myself to re-think my editorial structure. The visions of publishing every two or three days are distant, and I find it would benefit me and others more to post more on a weekly scale. This allows my priorites to be less strained, and allows viewers a breather, so as to not become tired of me. This also allows me to focus more on the material that I do present, so as to give everyone the chance to view a truly structured newspaper.

Unfortunately, I have been too busy to browse through the media, and any topics that I could work with have already been exhausted. I do, however, have a rough sketch of an idea in the works, that would greatly benefit the Resistance Government. If I receive their blessing, then I can act upon that idea, and create a valiant visage, one that will assist all those it will be targeted at. This does not, however, apply to the oppressors of the country, who shall not be named in this article.

If I do not receive the blessing, then I shall continue with the way my articles have been published, and I will try my best to create discussion, thought, and general open-mindedness. Until then, however, I have been left in dispair for not being able to do my duty the way I had originally planned, and for that I apologize.

”Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.” - Edward Everett