Day 653, 00:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GLaDOS

Now that I Have your attention yet again, I would like to bring out my next manifesto, my Domestic and Economic affairs Manifesto.

Domestic Manifesto:

1. Continued upkeep and maintenance of the government companies.

The government companies have been kept up very well, and I wish to continue to reap the success of these companies.

2. Continued activity in the MoHA.

the services of the MoHA are great, and keep the game interesting for many people. The MoHA has been indispensable in the last few months, from mass mailing the people of scotland to warn them of the incoming war games, to providing venues of entertainment within the UK. Continued focus on the MoHA would be extremely beneficial to the UK.

3. Creation of a national Q5 hospital company.

This is something that I believe would be a worthwhile investment. Q5 hospitals are in high demand, particularly in the aftermath of these huge world wars raging around the world. the costs of a Q5 hospital company will be extensive, but I believe that the profits in the long run would be more then worth the starting costs of the hospital company. As such, I will explore the possibility of creating a national hospital company.

4.more international companies run by the United Kingdom.

Companies such as wood companies that would help fuel our new Q5 hospital company, and put our soldiers with a background in resource material production another place to work. expansion of our international companies would bring us more prosperity at home, as it would give us inexpensive resource materials to use in government manufacturing companies.

5.Increased accountability of each ministry.

I believe that in order for our country to truly work for the people, the ministries must be effective. as such, I would push for accountability checks in each ministry, including a weekly report from each minister on current goals, achievements of the ministry, and things that would need improvement within the ministry. IRC access would be a must for any minister, as well as the dedication to write the weekly reports.

Finance and Economics

1.Exploring Changes in the taxes.

as Prime minister, I, with careful consideration from my Minister of trade and my minister of Economics, would look through the various taxes and see where improvement could be made. My goal is to find the optimum level of taxes for government sustainability and economic success for business owners in the UK.

2.Advertising the united kingdom to allies who have a wealth of resources.

Initiation of an advertisement program, either through our government newspapers or through the erepublik ad system, would allow other nations who are our allies to know that the UK has a need for certain resources. Inviting in as many companies as possible would create more competition in our markets, and ultimately drive prices down

3.continued monetary market guidance.

The GBP has been one of the most stable currencies in the world, and that is very much to do with our fine monetary market controls. as PM, I will continue the tradition of keeping the monetary market stable and preserving the GBP value.

Well, there you go. my final Manifesto. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and please vote for me!