Official Press Release - Day 2019

Day 2,019, 19:26 Published in India Croatia by Ashish Patel

My friends,

The name of our party "Dictatorship Party of India" had caused a lot of confusion and raised questions on our beliefs among citizens. We have decided and have changed the party name to:

"The Indian Military Party"

The Best name we could find, which completely goes along our beliefs of strong military and military-minded leadership for our great nation.

The Indian Military Party will continue to function all on its programs and guidelines as defined under the formation of the supreme council by former DPI.

New Beginning. New Possibilities.

The change of name does not mean we lost focus, our programs and beliefs and goal remains the same. The change of name is only to better understand and clearly state our ideology and beliefs in military leadership (former Dictatorship)

The Key Programs sponsored by The Indian Military Party are:

1. Minimum wages of 150 INR
2. Weapons and food supply to our fighters.
3. National security being our Number one priority.
4. Formation of Military-minded leadership.
5. The Indian Military Party bonuses and aids to rising fighters.

supreme motto : Peace, Prosperity and National Security.

serving the great nation, eIndia
~~The Indian Military Party
published day 2019