Official message from EDEN and Fortis to the citizens of its member nations

Day 631, 06:21 Published in Canada Canada by The Allied Forces
This is EDEN's and Fortis' official newspaper. We urge everyone to subscribe to this newspaper.

Dear citizens of the enlightened world,

This is an official message from EDEN and Fortis to their member nations’ citizens. I urge you to vote this article so that everybody can take part of it.

As you all know, PEACE has been pushing back EDEN’s and Fortis’ combined forces the past few weeks, since they invaded North America. The better part of USA is occupied by enemy forces. On the 6th of August, Canada was completely annihilated, though 3 regions have been restored by resistance wars after great sacrifices from EDEN and Fortis. On the 10th of August, Spain lost 16 000 gold of their treasury due to a fatal mistake to PEACE. Battles are fought in USA, Canada, Spain, Greece, Switzerland and Norway, and even more nations of EDEN and Fortis are involved in open wars with PEACE nations.

We cannot hide that we are losing. We cannot say that we have everything under control. We cannot assure you that our nations will remain on the map in a month’s time. In fact, we are getting our asses kicked out there. If we do not take actions TODAY, our nations will get eradicated in a very near future.

However, there is still time to fight back. We have not lost yet. We still remain on the map, more determined than ever to answer PEACE’s dreadful deeds with a good ol’ boot up their butts all the way home to the burrows where they belong.

But if we do not work together, we will lose. To succeed to drive off these vile intruders, ALL of us need to contribute to our right to freedom; to our right to independence; to our right to kick out these trespassing prowlers from our lands! We need to stick together. And by that I don’t just mean the governments, I say we need to stick together; the people – the community.

The governments we’ve elected represent us. They fight for you. It is not entities named EDEN and Fortis who fight against PEACE. It is many, many individuals who work together to defend themselves from PEACE’s rampaging. Without you, the people, EDEN and Fortis is nothing but an empty shell – powerless and worthless. It is you, the people, who determine who and what EDEN and Fortis really are. It is you who decide our fate.

With that in mind, we would like to announce that we cannot win without you. We lack both the resources and the firepower if we cannot have your full-hearted support. 2 days ago, PEACE gained 16 000 gold, while we lost as much. This gold will be used against us. This gold will help PEACE demolish our home lands. To even stand a chance, we will need as much to match this gold. Truth is, EDEN’s and Fortis’ combined treasuries do not have 16 000 gold. Weeks of intense fighting have petered out or gold depots.

That is why we turn to you, the people we are protecting – the people we are part of. We urge everyone of you to contribute to our common fight. We ask of you to donate what you can spare to EDEN’s and Fortis’ common treasury, money that will be used to defend our home lands. We ask of you to donate what you can, be it 1 gold, 5 gold, 20 gold or 100 gold. It is up to you; the important part is that you contribute to our common cause: our right to freedom.

If all of us donate 5 gold, a hard worker’s medal, we will gather a huge amount of gold, gold that can be used in defending our home lands from these vile intruders. Think not of what everyone else do or don’t do, think of what You can do for your right to independence and freedom – contribute to our common fight.


Another vitally important point is:
Fight every day! It is important that you ALWAYS check for your country’s/army’s orders before you fight. If you cannot afford weapons, fight with your bare hands! Each and every damage matters hugely to the great fight, do not think that you do not make a difference! Fight every day!

Together we shall stay strong!
Hail EDEN!
Hail the allied forces!