Day 704, 13:57 Published in USA USA by Woxan

Fight in Nunavut! No mercy!

WE WON \o/

A special thanks to the USA and our allies.

America, we have attacked Nunavut. This is going to be a big battle with both sides spending a lot on each side. If the USA and EDEN forces are triumphant, we will have driven Hungary from Canada. If not, we will have to fight for Manitoba again, with no MPPs. It is vital that we go all out on this battle.

As your Secretary of the Treasury, I am here to tell you that it is time to stop being a nation of savers, and become a nation of spenders. Buy guns, use gifts, berserk, and give guns to your friends. It is imperative that we hold nothing back to win this battle.

How to Beserk
Borrowed from previous DoD orders.
How to prepare:
- Buy 15 Q1 weapons - if you can afford higher quality weapons, buy those. But rather buy 15 Q1 weapons than e.g. only 10 Q2 weapons.
- Don't work or train yet - wait until AFTER fighting before working and training. If you are below 4 strength first train, then fight, heal and work.
- If you have funds saved up for personal tanking today will be the day to use them. If you can afford gift fights, use them as well - every bit of damage counts.

Explaining the berserk mode:
You can do up to 20 fights without wellness packs when fighting in berserk mode - let's assume you start with 100 wellness:
- Fight once.
- Gift 10 wellness.
- Fight 5 times.
- Heal.
- Fight 6 times.
-- Wellness down to 40. If you buy Q5 food and you have a Q5 house your wellness will be at 51 on the next day.
Second day:
- Fight once.
- Heal.
- Gift 9 wellness.
- Fight 7 times. (Don't do this unless you can gift yourself back up to 40 the next day. Keep your wellness above 40 at the end, so the next day you can fight once and heal).
That makes a total of 20 fights in a single battle without having to spend gold.
Of course you need to modify this technique regarding your own financial situation - but every citizen should be able to do at least 15 fights - 5 on the first day of battle and 10 on the second day of battle.

Guns for Newbs

Newbs, want free guns? Come to the forums and look for the NUNAVUT WEAPONS REQUEST thread.

Donate to American Tanks

Have some spare gold laying around? Want to help arm some American tanks? Every gold you donate will be turned into raw damage to help us be victorious in Nunavut. The Few, The Proud, the Marines!

Now, let's reclaim Nunavut. For Canada! For EDEN! For America!

Let's help Canada out!

Also, please vote both this and this up. We appreciate your dedication!

Provided as a Service of the United States Government,
Secretary of the Treasury, Woxan