Official CP Candidature for October

Day 1,777, 18:36 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lotus Black

It feels so long ago when I was writing my first official CP candidature. I’ve felt nervous, unsure and yet so full of hopes and ideas. And here I am, after a month, thinking about what I should say to you again.

I did not take this decision lightly, I have thought about it a lot for the past few days. I have full respect for Psihihihi and I believe he could be a great Country President, but I feel my work is not yet done. I think I still have a lot to offer and to bring more stability to our country.

Looking back at my mandate, I feel I have done a lot of things I wanted to do. It has made me a stronger person, gave me the knowledge about the game, the different situations you are forced to deal with and it has let me see the people in all sorts of different lights. It made me realise that things are not so black and white as I have thought. I also see I haven't achieved all of my goals, so I would like to have a chance to be better, to do more and to serve you one more time.

Thank you for sharing your path with me, I hope our walkabout is not yet finished.

Sincerely yours,