Office of Strategic Services Report - Day 876

Day 876, 15:02 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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First things first - Yesterday someone from the rl UK tried to hack (crack) my computer. I have been trolling the living shiznat outta GLaDOS and the United Faildom over the past week or so trying to bait him into attacking Canada but he'll have Nunavut. I do not blame GLaDOS of course - as he resides in California irl. Good thing I have two computers. As soon as my virus software (which I had neglected updating for a while) freaked out I pulled the plug and went to other computer to write yesterdays' "OMG Someone Is Trying To Hack Me" article requesting that my access be stripped from all important forums until further notice and changing ALL of my passwords. After d/loading AV updates and installing them into my laptop I have succeeded in cleansing my machine from bad teeth and cockney speech impediments.

The pussy who tried to mess with me has been
eradicated without any harm to my interests and responsibilities.

Now for the nitty gritty. Three new Militias have appeared on the eCanadian landscape since the last time I headed up this office (The OSS was mothballed during the Chucky Norris Administration and replaced with TemujinBC):

1. SHIELD Canada

2. Van Doos

3. Royal eCanadian Dragoon Guard

In this time, The Crimson Order has experienced internal discord and upheaval resulting in everyone being fired and all passwords being changed.

During the Norris Administration, the Crimson Guard had been receiving regular Gov't Funding - despite, as Rylde puts it "Alias is busy with eCan govy lemmings and Gofarman has been busy in eZA for 4 weeks. GOfarman is the official commander of the CG."

In this time, both Gold and currency from CG Holdings has been donated to TCO assets in eSouth Africa. It is not knowledge of mine whether or not this eSA foray by the TCO is "Official Canadian Gov't sanctioned business", but if it is - nobody told me. Seeing as I am once again responsible for dispersal of Gov't funds I need to know such things. So far my in-box in empty...although I do not anticipate it being that way for long.

In light of these developments I have decided to truncated TCO Gov't funding until I can be satisfied that:

A) Canadian Tax dollars are not being funneled into eSA for unsanctioned Canadian Gov't affairs.

😎 That there are actually workers earning below market value wages which warrant State subsidy in exchange for national damage output increase.

Is it a popular shift in policy? No. Is it necessary given the circumstances? Yes.

I'm not saying that is what is going on here,
but if it is it ain't gonna last long on my watch.

Now it has occurred to me that there need be clarification of the Rules of Funding.
It remains the non-negotiable stance of this Office that NO State Subsidized Militia may sell produced arms on the open markets to compete with the private sector.

Recently those involved with the Van Doos disagree with this official policy, as is their right.
However, disagreement is not grounds for an about face on policy.
They can disagree all they like - nobody is more equal than anyone else.
If they want Gov't funding then they have to play the same game as everybody else - the Executive Gov't is not here to subsidize your profits (that is what Congress is for).
It was brought to my attention that the CPF sells products on the markets, such as Q1 Food.
This company is NOT a Praetor company and receives NO Gov't funds, therefore it is NOT in violation of OSS Policy (which is flexible and can change at any time to acclimatize to current circumstances).

Let me make this clear - ANY AND ALL FUNDING WILL BE IMMEDIATELY CUT should ANY group which receives State funding decide to sell produced goods on the market.

If a Private Militia requests State Funding then ALL 'fighters' in said Militia are required to work for Militia companies. Does this mean that they will make lower wages than they could on the open labour market in exchange for the weapons and MTs they produce? YES. That is the reason for the subsidy. Can a Private Militia sell the weapons and MTs they produce on the markets for profit?

Will I sleep less at night because you disagree?


At this time the OSS is still awaiting State transfer of funds in order to subsidize accepted applicants for funding.

Tyler F Durden,

Director of OSS

PS: We now have an active MPP with eRomania">