NX Cabinet Applications, VPOTUS Selected

Day 1,011, 13:19 Published in USA USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet America,

It has come to my attention that yet another crisis has arisen, one which threatens the security of America. I was informed of the situation scant minutes after announcing my intent to run for president, but due to my keen intellect, foresight, and my ability to get stuff done in a hurry was able to put a plan in place to save the liberty and freedom of every citizen of our great nation.

The rebellious state of Far Eastern Russia has seceded from the Union. Why, you ask,
would they do such a horrible, terrible, communistic thing? Through rigorous study, our top researchers have concluded the sudden rise of separatists in the region can be directly linked to food consumption.


Food consumption. You see, as consumption of food rises, the level of fats stored in the body increases. This can have serious, long lasting effects, and often leads to a severe condition known as "Diabeetus". Diabeetus is characterized by an imbalance of sugars in the bloodstream as a result of improper regulation of insulin. This sugar imbalance can lead to frequent urination, extreme thirst or hunger, deep rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, and delirium.

It is this last condition that is of greatest concern. You see, my people, the Far Eastern Russian separatists love America. They love freedom, and democracy. They love Liberty. Unfortunately, the rise of Diabeetus has induced an altered mental state amongst them, and they know not what they do.

To quell this mass lunacy, I have invited the one man equipped to fight Diabeetus head-on to join me as my Vice President. This is a man of character, of wisdom, and a kind heart. This is a man who has struggled every day in his own life against the menace of Diabeetus, and it has made him stronger. People of America, allow me to introduce Wilford Brimley.

Wilford Brimley, through his work with Liberty Medical has provided millions of citizens access to free Diabeetus testing supplies, and educated them on the constant threat and danger posed by the horrid disease. As my right hand man, Wilford Brimley will be constantly on the move, crushing rebellions with mass air-drops of insulin, and working directly with the people to prevent Diabeetus before it takes hold.

I am also now opening applications for my cabinet. These applications will be semi-anonymous, I won't see your name, only your profile ID, allowing you the chance to make an impression on me with your resume before I know your name. You can apply by clicking this link and filling out the necessary information. Mass Messagers and campaign financiers are also needed, so be sure to check it out.

I will keep America up to date in future articles on Wilford's campaign against the insurrection, and look forward to maintaining our dialogue.

Necros Xiaoban
June 2012 POTUS