Nunavut: An Allied Perspective

Day 706, 17:16 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden


eCanada Battle Orders

There she is. Nunavut. Whats she got? Diamonds, thats what.
We like diamonds, don't we? The eHun liked 'em enough to come
over here and take 'em.


This is a response to patar333's article: Take back Nunavut


Lets not get hasty here.

We're allies.

Let's look at it from an Allied perspective for a moment.

The eUS could use the opportunity to establish Diamond Companies in Nunavut for 3 weeks.
As Nunavut would be eUS Held territory, all new companies created will be exclusively eAmerican.
Also, eCanadians would be encouraged to establish companies in Nunavut as well to take advantage of the cheap Market License opportunity by having the region temporarily held by
our Bro'.

Let's think long term here. What would Marilyn do?
She'd rush in all a fluster about how many diamonds there are...

Once the 3 week period has elapsed, the eUS would agree to flip Nunavut to eCanada.

The new Diamond companies can now have access to not only the eUS Markets but eCanadian as well by paying only 5 gold for a market license instead of normal 20 gold, giving the eUS a vested interest in Nunavut staying in eCanadian hands. We relax appropriate taxes to help 'quantitatively ease' the markets into a natural equilibrium. Both out markets can find diamond stability - which is good for the Gift manufacturers, isn't it?

The flags of the Brolliance. Bro before Huns.

This also gives the eCanadian Political Parties 3 weeks to plan who they will run in Nunavut once it is returned, and the eHun a chance to evacuate, which would naturally require less gold on our part to bring the region home to begin with.

eCanadian Congress Elections

I hope this contributes to any discussions
