Nothing On But The Radio (My eLife So Far)

Day 886, 10:44 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

I know there is a lot of battles going on today, but in the time honored tradition of posting an article on your eBirthday saying everything you've done, I must do it. Now sit back and read on for some revelations.

My eLife started off during scrabman's 2nd term. I remember it distinctly, because Nonesuch was running against him and he PMed me to try and get me to vote for him. I suppose that was my first communication with another player. This was hardly a week after MoW was formed. At the time, the protocol was to come to them for food, and I did. I didn't get any for 4 days and thought the program was stupid. Because I was IRL a conservative at the time, I joined the old CVP when DesertFalcon was still PP. When I found the IRC the first thing I did was scold Dodgercatcher for proposing something stupid ingame, and he told me it was for the lulz.

What happened next can best be described here.
Angelini does a great job describing the "Sergei Grueno" element. But the rest of the story is this. Before he came on the scene, Me, Angelini, Hekter, Jaxon, and DC wanted Mattoze5 as PP because DF wasn't active enough. Eventually we got Mattoze5 in. Then Sergei appeared. At first I thought he was okay. A little radical to be sure, but nice enough. That changed fast as I learned more about the game. I became a Congressman in Alabama following the typical newbie obsession was promising to get it a Q5 hospital. Halfway through my campaign I learned that was a stupid thing to promise. I ran against some cool people, and won. I was psyched. Also, some time around here I tried creating the CIA, not realizing it was already in place. I tried to join it, but the Director wouldn't return my PMs.

Now about this time "Sergie" ran for President. It pretty much went down like this. He was shunned from the CVP because of me. I threatened the now PP Mattoze5 with my Congress seat (Meaning I'd leave and he would have one less congressman. Hey, it worked, so stop laughing.) and I left the party. I later came back when Mattoze5 met my conditions which was for Ajay to be shunned and for an eCourt case to be brought against him and that I would get a Council position in the CVP to ensure that "Sergie" never again made a stink of the CVP.

Well, "Sergie" didn't make a stink for another week or so. Eventually, Hekter and Jaxon, the real power behind the party leadership resigned. I left and did something.

Oh also, Romania tried to PTO Indonesia. This was before citizenship so I went and helped.

Now like all great heros, we'll completely disregard a large portion of my life

Enter the days prior to WWIII. (Actually, I think one of my following articles will be a simple summary of WWIII for those of you who weren't here for it. And for us nostalgic folks)
HR was President and ATLANTIS had just collapsed. He was essentially building Fortis, which at the time nobody liked. The flag was corny and the name was latin for Strong. I remember the protester even to this day who said "The people want an acronym, dammit!" Regardless, HR was doing the best he could and nobody could have stopped the on slought that was to come.

Now enter the invasion. I got a front row ticket to watch as a Senator from Alabama. I got to see the inward struggles inside congress, and much more importantly from the Executive Branch. Hr's strategy really won the war for us. He drained them of their gold. I set up a meeting between HR and congress, because congress isn't and really hasn't ever been that informed. I tried to fix that.
Oh also I wrote this:

Under HR, we were losing everything. California, Alaska, Kansas. The American people blamed him, and some still do, although he honestly couldn't have stopped the war from coming.

Enter Emerick

Emerick won. He became CP. Regardless of what some will tell you, he didn't just enter office and win the war. He tried to make a peace treaty with PEACE. It passed in congress, and I was the first to accept. It seemed like the only way out. It would have happened too, if Russia wasn't such a pansy and demanded to have NY permanently. Whatever Ru. Emerick's master stroke was taking this time of confusion and proposing peace to Indonesia. They accepted and that effectively made Portugal not a threat anymore. We were just down to Florida at the time, and we went on a rampage and attacked Indonesia. Portugal gave us back the south, and I made another Congressional-POTUS meeting.

I can't just focus on WWIII here, it's my eBday. Later, later.

Skipping a few events, I ran for congress under the USWP banner and lost to Serendipitous. He went on to be the SoH and I joined the Army. I didn't stay too long, and went on skipping down to Mexico. Apparently they still remember me. Also this cool guy named Blazix went with me. More on this..some other time maybe.

What happened next. The war was over. Gaius was still CP. I joined the Airborne. Then HR approached me about his new idea, the Democrats because I was making a big fuss about losing in congress. I was lost in erep without congress, I needed a role. The Democrats became my passion. I must say this party was the only one I ever got a real attachment to. The people in it were simply the most amazing, ever. They have mostly all gone on to have amazing careers. James Harding, crapped out early but he was one of my role models although I never did tell him. Choc too, his insight was invaluable. HR, of course. But I made much more personal connections to the following. Blazix, MrHphenated, Jimmy Olsen, Vanek26.. The strongest one was by far Blazix at the time. These other connections got stronger as time went on..and as top_secret things happened. | Z*| Also, for all the crap people give George Barker, I liked him. His insight was great during the war. He doesn't deserve all the crap he gets.

The Dems failed. We failed because we got burnt out. We were all successful at we did in erep, so we all had other responsibilities and we took turns being burnt out. We thought ourselves better than other parties. The Game Mechanic movement is not even close to being dead however. We just spread it out through the other parties. And who knows. It may rise again.

I was burnt out now. I stayed in the AB for a time and essentially just 8 clicked. The thing that snapped me out of it was DanielCD. I watched his paper gathering subs and him taking his place higher up in American politics. I remembered my passion and mentally set some goals for myself. I left the Airborne and was technically AAP. I started writing again. I ran for congress again. I remember voting for Rheinlander over Fionia for congress, and then getting the backlash from her. Heh. We weren't eMarried yet.

What happened next is kind of a blur, so I'll skip to the important part. I ran for POTUS. I was up against impossible odds, Josh Frost and PIZ. So the plan at the time was to run seriously, but just run for exposure. It worked, but I got a horrible amount of votes.

Next, I worked various Cabinet positions for 2 months. Somewhere in there I joined the USWP and got in the EB. Then me and Fionia got eMarried.
The rest, as they say, is history. I tried to run for CP again and Woxan offered me VP. I accepted. Also the USWP, AAP, and DemReps merged. I was there and did stuff.

That brings us to today.
Thanks erepublik, for letting me spend time I would have otherwise spent in boredom, doing something interesting. Something stressful, something fun. Something angering, something funny.
If nothing else, I've learned more about myself, and the real world here.

Recent events in erepublik have been threatening to push us from our traditional allies. It's simply not necessary. Its all being blown way out of proportion. At the moment, it is not my place to speak out, so instead I'll direct you to this fantastic article on recent events:

*I didn't include everything I've done by far, and didn't go indepth about anything. This is a very brief overview. PM me if you wanna talk specifics.

The final tally at the moment of things I've done:

*Current Vice President of America
*4 time congressman
*Former BOSS of Western Europe
*Media Mongul
*Former Director of Departmental Communication
*Cabinet Member
*3x Ambassador
*Military Man
===Air Borne
*Former Director of the Pony Express
*Former Executive Board of the USWP
==Former Director of Communication
*Current APF Board Emeritus
*Former Game Mechanic Elder
==Former Dem Director of Communication
===Former Dem Elections Coordinator
*Cool Guy

And of course, my traditional quote:

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." -Oscar Wilde

See ya'll next time, and happy erep bday to me.