Not Just Another Political Party, But An Opportunity (Day 1119)

Day 1,119, 10:17 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

My name is Addy Lawrence.

I’m writing today to declare my intentions. I am attempting to take over a political party and gather support for a new economic regime. What more economical way to save 40 gold than to take over a party?

This party is going to be transparent about its intentions and my announcement is the first step in demonstrating the transparency that I expect of this party and its members. Afterall, this is an online browser game that affords a lot of anonymity, the only standard we can expect is the one we set for ourselves by our behaviours within the game. My intentions here are noble and I expect that from everyone in the party.

I’ve targeted the Independent Party of Canada for the sole reason that is it the smallest party in eCanada in terms of membership, and inherently has the least support. It also doesn’t have a Party President candidate. This takeover will oppress few people and is for all intents and purposes a victimless takeover.

If successful, I will rename the party “The Ministry of Opportunity”. The official party org will be “Chemmy Boy Association” and the official party newspaper will be “Opportunity Knocks”.

The Ministry of Opportunity envisions an eCanada that possesses a high region for each of the commodities. The Ministry of Opportunity envisions an eCanada populated with over 10,000 engaged employees earning a best in eRep wage and providing business owners with the lowest tax pool of labour in eRep. The Ministry of Opportunity envisions the entrepreneurs of eCanada providing best in eRep prices across all product groups. The Ministry of Opportunity envisions eCanada being an ally of choice in eRepublik due to the economic opportunities it provides, due to the employee engagement is possesss, and due to the military effectiveness it lives by.

If you believe in this vision, please consider joining the Independent Party of Canada over the next two days and support me on December 15th. Together, we can work toward realizing this vision.

I will be publishing the party platform tomorrow to help you make this decision.

Your Minister of Opportunity,

Addy Lawrence

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Addy's your daddy!!!