Not a POTUS Article!

Day 950, 17:29 Published in USA USA by Fionia
Just a quick note, since some people have already asked me: No, I'm not running for POTUS this month. Patience. Wait until next month.

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Over the past few months, I've started noticing very distinct approaches to how people play and progress in this game. In my mind, it mainly boils down to four types, each with a dramatic impact on people of the other types. There's one in particular that I want to highlight tonight, as can be seen below (spoken from this type of person's perspective).

Power-Hungry ***tards

"It's only a game, right? So none of these other people matter to me. My goal is to get as far ahead as I can, doing as little work as I can get away with. Backstabbing and theft are not below me. There are people that I claim to be friends with---but I'll only tolerate them until they can no longer help me get ahead. After that, it's time to kick them to the curb.

I might be on the military, but I'm particularly dangerous when I'm in a political party because I'll quickly rise to some sort of leadership position, and use that rank to support all my Congressional and POTUS runs while kicking back and watching other people take over the work that I find not worthwhile. I won't even bother to try to find votes for Congressional runs; that's what mobile voters are for, of course!

I'm generally charismatic on the surface, which is why I can gather puppets easily, and I'm also a great chameleon, changing my views to whatever group holds the most power now. I can also do a very good impression of someone who actually cares about what they're doing if I think it will make a certain goal easier to accomplish. My biggest enemies are people no longer useful to me, and people who see through my act."

I hate those people.

That's all for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing.

Signing off,