Nobody to Blame but Ourselves

Day 941, 17:13 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
Nobody to Blame but Ourselves

It's not like there wasn't warning. In retrospect, the hop skip and jump taken from point A to point B should not really surprise anyone. 1Ronman's theft and blatant privacy breeches were aided and abetted not by a shadowy cabal of conspirators, but by the general population of Canada. Having seen numerous violations and ethical concerns the active community chose to err on the side of forgiveness without atonement, allowing 1ronman to continue in positions of trust even as he applied for citizenship with another country. Even our half empty court system poured cold water on complaints against him.

We were wilfully blind, chose to look at the rosiest contributions, ignored the issues, and hoped for the best. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Where do we go from here?

The government I led had a virtue not seen before or since: I made myself public domain. I put my real name and details of my life out there for everyone to see, while being only one of two people with the lion's share of eCanada's cash (the other being my roommate). If there had been a cockup, I wouldn't be able to disappear into the Romanian night, or flee into the internet wilderness. It forced me to be honest with vast sums of money, because John Carpenter had a public reputation to keep, not Jacobi.

We must remember that this is the internet. People do not play by real life rules, and otherwise good human beings (Of which I am sure in real life 1ronman is one) do not necessarily feel compelled to play by the rules. Because it is fake. Because it does not mean as much as it does in the real world. We say this when Addy Lawrence (an otherwise stellar player) hijacked the Ministry of Information in December...or when former Prime Minister JBDivinus did the same less than a month ago. We must proceed critically (not cynically) when it comes to matters and positions of trust. We must not let ourselves be collectively swindled into thinking that every person on here is, and will always be, pinnacles of virtue when they hide behind a pseudonym.

The government is taking steps, and I'm cheered to see the political courage required to do so is being taken.

1ronman had ample motivation, and had been taught by his past experiences that we wouldn't meaningfully care what things he got up to. We taught him that he could ignore the rules without impunity because we failed to stand up for fair play when we had the chance.

Let's not make the same mistake twice.

John “Jacobi” Carpenter