No Election on Election Day?

Day 1,091, 15:51 Published in USA USA by The Libertine
UPDATE: A Vote button has been added in the recent Congress elections. \o/
UPDATE: A Vote button has been added in the recent Congress elections. \o/
UPDATE: A Vote button has been added in the recent Congress elections. \o/

😁 Please Vote and Sub 😁

Elections happen every 10 days.

This has been happening for around two years (I assume the timing was different during Beta, but I could be wrong).

On the 5th: Elect a Country President
On the 15th: Elect Party Presidents
On the 25th: Elect Congress

As long as I can remember, the homepage on election days has never been very helpful in reminding people to vote. Today, since the "My Wars" list has recently replaced the "Latest Events" list, there was not even a single mention or reminder by eRep that elections are even going on.

How hard would it be to add a pop up like this on election day?

Or a giant button could be placed in the header. Check out my beautiful artwork:

Elections are one of the essential aspects of eRepublik. How they could be completely ignored is beyond me.

If you are reading this and actually haven't voted yet today (because you don't know where to go), use this link (thanks Blank Keating):

That link works every election day, to send you where you are eligible to cast a vote.

It used to show up as the link for an obscure reminder that there was an election going on, on every 5th, 15h, and 25th. Now I need to friend Blank Keating to figure out how to cast my ballot. Ok, that's a lie. I know how to find the place to cast a vote.

But you should all friend Blank Keating anyways. Do it. You won't. 😁

Click to the trucker hat to ironically cast your VOTE

Click to the trucker hat to ironically cast your VOTE
