NKFV - Bulgarian Ambassador to eRomania presentation

Day 1,185, 23:46 Published in Romania Romania by Destroyer 77
Hello, eCitizens. I'm very happy to present to my compatriots NKFV - the Bulgarian ambassador in eRomania.

Welcome to eRomania! What was the reason for you to come to our country and work as ambassador? Do you have any past experience on the diplomacy stage?

- Hello, mates. This is my third month as ambassador here and I’m really enjoying my work in Romania. I choose your country cause it is very important partner for Bulgaria and I feel that with my contribution I can improve the relations between us. I can say that I have good experience on the diplomatic stage, cause before my arriving in Romania I was for almost 3 months ambassador in Hungary when our country was member of Phoenix. I like to work with our top-allies and communicate with some of the most famous players in the eWorld. This work gave me a chance to communicate with players like ipath, rhual, bogdan adamutz, open_minded and other eRep legends. It’s exciting.

Do you have any friends in eRomania and what do you expect from your work here?

- Yes, I’m sure that I have eFriends in Romania. The first name is Bogdan Armand Sibrand. With this guy I started to communicate even before my job as ambassador. He helped me a lot with info about the life in eRomania and I’m very grateful to him. Also, I can’t miss Ms.Carmen. I think she is wonderful MoFA and it is a pleasure for me to communicate with her. There is no doubt that she is very good professional. And what about Fremenul?! Could I miss him?! No, of course. Cheers mate! I expect to work with nice and dedicated Romanian politicians. I can congratulate president butnaru for the respect that he showed to the ambassador’s position. He managed to find time for me almost every time when I contact him, but It’s a little bit different with the current leaders. The president and the social ministers didn’t answer my PMs and I think the way that they chose to communicate with an official is unacceptable. Also, I can’t miss the great support from the Romanian military squads – you can check here their awesome initiate http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ambassador-edit2-k-over-1672087/2/20 and it made me really happy. As general, I want to help our countries to built strong relations. It’s simple, right?!

What is your opinion regarding changing the sides. Why did you choose Eden (and of course Romania) instead of Phoenix?

- I was fighting against EDEN with great pleasure. Actually, I will fight with the same feelings against every enemy of my country. The Bulgarians, which were born last year, were told that EDEN are the bad guys. OK, let it be so. But most of us didn’t approve an alliance with Turkey on one side. It was sure that sooner or later we will fight against them. I think that the main reason for our leaving from Phoenix was the awful Serbian leadership. There is no doubt that Bulgaria was number 1 country in its development in 2010. From little, weak country we managed to turn into one of the main forces in eRep. But it seems that it wasn’t enough for Serbia to access our potential. The game is more interesting with allies like Romania, Greece and Croatia and I’m very happy with the current conditions.

Do you still have some friend countries in Phoenix that you would like to see in Eden?

- I don’t care about the other allies. For me isn’t difference if I have as ally Indonesia or USA, for example. These countries are too far away and that is an issue on very high level. I want to fight together with countries, which have common interest with Bulgaria. I think that Cromania and Bulgreece should stand together till the eRep servers just explode. I’m also a soldier in the national army so I’ll be where I’m needed and I’ll fight with honor for every ally of my country. For example, today I fought for Brazil, no matter the fact that just only one month ago they were tanking hardly against us. That’s the game. Of course, I can’t miss Russia. If they join EDEN I’m sure that many Bulgarians would be very happy. We have strong in game relations and I think that many players from the both countries are expecting the day when we will be again on one side.

What is the general feeling between Bulgarian citizens regarding Eden?

- I think that this question is unnecessary. We are not in the time before 3 months. Bulgaria is happy in Eden. There was opposition in the country that was dreaming about “some new” alliance, but as we all saw, joining in Eden was the correct choice. I can tell you what turns my opinion about the alliances and I even won’t comment our erasing from the map… First was the defeat in FBH when we didn’t get enough support. The second reason was the slap that we received in our faces, when we put veto on FYROM. Few days after our decision FYROM signed over than 10 MPP’s with Phoenix countries. And the final reason was when the Turkish Lazocrats started RW’s in our Iranian colonies to “punish” us, cause we were helping Greece in the wars in Cyprus. You must remember very good that RW’s, cause EDEN and Phoenix were fighting together against Lazocrats in the first rounds. EPIC!

Few words to my compatriots.

- All of us are here to have fun, so make the best to enjoy the game


Salutare, eCetateni. Sunt foarte fericit sa il prezint compatriotilor mei pe NKFV – ambasadorul bulgar in eRomania.

Bun venit in eRomania! Care a fost motivul pentru care ai ales sa vi in tara noastra si sa lucrezi ca si ambasador? Care este experienta pe care o ai in ceea ce priveste activitatea diplomatica?

- Salut, amici. Aceasta este a treia mea luna ca si ambassador aici si imi place cu adevarat munca mea in Romania. Am ales tara voastra deoarece este un partener foarte important pentru Bulgaria si simt ca pot contribui la imbunatatirea relatiilor dintre noi. Pot spune ca am o experienta buna in ceea ce priveste activitatea diplomatic, deoarece inainte de a sosi in Romania am fost pentru aproximativ 3 luni ambasador in Ungaria, pe vremea cand tara noastra era membru Phoenix. Imi face placere sa lucrez cu aliatii nostri de top sis a comunic cu unii dintre cei mai faimosi jucatori din lumea eRepublik. Aceasta munca mi-a dat sansa sa comunic cu jucatori precum ipath, rhual, bogdan adamutz, open_minded si alte legende din eRep. E foarte interesant.

Ai prieteni in eRomania si care sunt asteptarile tale de la munca pe care o depui aici?

- Da, sunt sigur ca am ePrieteni in Romania. Primul nume e Bogdan Armand Sirand. Cu el am inceput sa comunic inainte de a devein ambassador. El m-a ajutat mult cu informatii despre viata din eRomania si ii sunt foarte recunoscator pentru aceasta. De asemenea nu pot sa o uit pe Ms.Carmen. Cred ca e un MoFA minunat si e o placere pentru mine sa comunic cu ea. Totodata nu este nici un dubiu asupra faptului ca e un foarte bun profesionist. Dar despre Fremenul?! As putea sa il uit?! Nu, bineinteles. Salutari amice! Ma astept sa lucrez cu politicieni romani dedicati si amabili. Pot sa il felicit pe presedintele butnaru pentru respectful pe care l-a aratat fata de ambasadori. El a reusit sa isi faca timp pentru mine aproape de fiecare data cand l-am contactat, dar e putin diferic cu actualii lideri. Presedintele si ministrii nu au raspuns mesajelor private pe care le-am trimis si cred ca modul prin care acestia au ales sa comunice cu un oficial nu este acceptabil. Totodata, nu pot sa uit ajutorul oferit de unitatile militare romane – puteti verifica aici munca lor extraordinara: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ambassador-edit2-k-over-1672087/2/20 si m-a facut sa fiu foarte fericit. In general as dori sa ajut tarile noastre sa construiasca relatii solide. E simplu, nu?!

Care e opinia ta referitoare la schimbarea aliantelor? De ce ati ales EDEN (si bineinteles Romania) in locul Phoenix?

- Am luptat impotriva EDEN cu mare placere. Acuma, lupt la fel impotriva fiecarui inamic al tarii mele. Bulgarilor care s-au nascut anul trecut li s-a spus ca EDEN sunt baietii rai. OK, asa sa fie. Dar multi dintre noi nu au putut accepta o alianta cu Turcia. Era sigur ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu vom lupta impotriva lor. Cred ca motivul principal care a dus la parasirea Phoenix-ului a fost groaznica conducere sarba. Nu este nici un dubiu referitor la faptul ca Bulgaria a fost tara numarul 1 in ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea in 2010. De la o tara mica si slaba am reusit sa devenim una din fortele principale din eRep. Dar se pare ca acest lucru nu a fost de ajuns pentru ca Serbia sa ne recunoasca potentialul. Jocul e mult mai interesant cu aliati precum Romania, Grecia si Croatia si sunt foarte multumit de conditiile actuale.

Mai aveti tari prietene in Phoenix pe care ati dori sa le vedeti in EDEN?

- Nu imi pasa de ceilalti aliati. Pentru mine nu e nici o diferenta daca sunt aliat cu Indonezia sau SUA, de exemplu. Aceste tari sunt prea departe si aceasta este o chestiune de nivel foarte inalt. Eu vreau sa lupt impreuna cu tarile care au interese comune cu Bulgaria. Cred ca Cromania si Bulgreece ar trebui sa ramana impreuna pana cand server-ele eRep vor exploda. Sunt de asemenea soldat in armata nationala deci voi fi acolo unde e nevoie si voi lupta cu onoare pentru fiecare aliat al tarii mele. De exemplu, azi am luptat pentru Brazilia desi doar cu o luna in urma ei au tankat foarte puternic impotriva noastra. Acesta e jocul. Bineinteles, nu pot uita de Rusia. Daca ei s-ar alatura EDEN sunt sigur ca multi bulgari vor fi foarte fericiti. Avem relatii puternice in jos si cred ca jucatori din ambele tari asteapta ziua in care vom fi din nou de aceasi parte a baricadei.

Care e sentimentul general printer cetatenii bulgari referitor la EDEN?

- Eu cred ca aceasta intrebare nu isi are rostul. Nu suntem in perioada de acum 3 luni. Bulgaria e fericita in Eden. A fost opozitie in tara care visa la “ceva aliante noi” dar asa cum am vazut, intrarea in Eden a fost alegerea corecta. Pot sa iti spun ce a schimbat parerea mea despre aliante si chiar nu voi face nici o referire la stergerea noastra de pe harta… In primul rand a fost infrangerea din FBH cand nu am primit sprijin sufficient. Al doilea motiv a fost palma pe care am primit-o direct peste fata, cand am votat alierea cu FYROM. Cateva sile dupa decizia noastra FYROM a semnat peste 10 MPP-uri cu tarile Phoenix. Si ultimul motiv a fost cand Lazocratii turci au pornit RW-uri in coloniile noastre din Iran pentru a ne “pedepsi” pentru ca i-am ajutat pe greci in razboaiele din Cipru. Trebuie sa va amintiti foarte bine de acele RW-uri , deoarece EDEN si Phoenix au luptat impreuna impotriva Lazocratilor in prima runda. EPIC!

Cateva cuvinte pentru compatriotii mei.

- Toti suntem aici pentru a ne distra, deci sa o facem cat mai bine 🙂