Nicholas2000 for President!

Day 715, 14:37 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad
The DAP has announced that I shall be their Presidential Candidate for the November 5th elections. Firstly, let me say that I am deeply honored to even have the chance to become the representative of not one specific region, but all of eMalaysia, to the eWorld. Thank you for this opportunity.

A little bit about me

I just won my second term into the eMalaysian Congress representing Peninsular Malaysia, with the second most votes nation-wide. Prevoiusly to that, I was elected into Congress as a wild card. Also, I have served under both of the Badlands17 Administrations, as the Minister of Immigration. As Minister of Immigration, I have standardized the questions to be asked, and the method in which applicants are recorded in our records.

I have been serving as the eMalaysian Ambassador to eGreece since the last Nagyzee Administration, and recently took over the eMalaysian Embassy in eJapan, due to Thingol going back home, to eThailand (good luck eThailand!)

Foreign Policy

As I stated in my last article, I strongly support neutrality towards both PEACE, EDEN, and the "BROlliance". I believe that our neutrality must be maintained, even if we must defend it with the point of a sword (or in the case of eRepublik, the bonus from a gun).

I would also like to see Embassies established in all of our Sol member nations. Currently, this is limited to an inactive Embassy in eSingapore. I believe that this will aid in strengthening our relations with Sol, and prevent another incident like that concerning eJapan.

On that note, I also feel that we need to kick-start the eMalaysian Ambassador program. Most of our Ambassadors, myself included, serve in 2 countries. As such, I will be encouraging all active members on the eMalaysian forums to become Ambassadors, should I become the next President.

I also am all for the further expansion of the Sol war games. The only problem is the new price tag of 100 Gold on MPPs, so we may need to foot some of the bill.

Military Policy

My military policy is heavily tied with my foreign policy. Neutrality is the correct road for eMalaysia to follow, and our army should reflect that. I believe foreign deployments are nessicary only when our Sol allies call for it, or if a friend nation is in dire need of assistance (such as eCanada, an old friend whom with our relations have somewhat faded, during the PEACE invasion of North America).

I also feel that we need to establish a budget for the eMalaysian Army, allowing our soldiers to rank up, providing greater defence, should the need arise.

Economic Policy

Honestly, I do not see much need to change our current tax system. The current tax system, set in place by Nagyzee, has been working very well. The only time we should ever need a change is for an emergency condition. However, with the raise in the cost of MPPs, there may be a need to slightly increase either the income taxes, or the VAT taxes. However, this would have to be discussed with both the Congress, and Nagyzee. Also, I would have to pick Nagyzee to be my Minister of Finance. Shocking, I know.

Domestic Policy

As eRepublik doesn't have much space for domestic afairs, my domestic policy is basically, again, requesting that a link to the forums be placed at the end of every article, Government military orders, and an add for new players about mentors (once we have progressed the mentoring program to a point where that could be applied).

Education Policy

Currently, we have a brand spanking new Education section on our forums, but nothing is happening there. I would like to change that. Hopefuly, I will be able to find some eMalaysians who would be willing to voulenteer to teach. I myself could teach company management, I am sure Nagyzee could teach profiting on the monetary market, etc.

Also in this education policy, is the strengthening of our mentoring program. Currently, it is fairly inactive. I most likely, if elected, would have SetsunaX as my Minister of Education. I heavily agree with his thoughts on the mentoring program, and would like to see his ideas implemented.


I must say, I am a huge fan of Government Bureaucracy. As such, I intend to do two things, to make our Government run like a well-oiled machine.

Firstly, I would like to see the creation of some sort of document, that clearly defines things such as: the role of Congress, how long voting is available in Congressional discussions, who should vote in Congressional votes (on the forums, of course), who should participate in Congressional discussions, what each Minister is respinsible for, etc.

Secondly, I would like to see further organization in the eMalaysian forums, specifically, the Congress Section. I would like to see seperate boards for: military affairs, economic affairs, foreign affairs, and financial affairs. I would alsolike to see a part of the Congressional forums where regular citizens could participate.


If you want a President who has a wide variety of skills, and cares deeply about eMalaysia, vote for me, nicholas2000, on November 5, 2009.
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Thank you for your time,
nicholas2000, Minister of Immigration, Congressman