nicholas2000 for Congress

Day 733, 13:16 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Hello eMalaysia! I would like to announce my candidacy for the Congress of Malaysia! I will be running in Peninsular Malaysia, under the Democratic Action Party, or DAP.

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►I have served 3 terms already in the Congress.
►I have served 2 terms as the Minister of Immigration (Badlands17 Administration)
►I am the Ambassador to eGreece
►I am serving m first term as Minister In Prime Minister Department (SetsunaX Administration)
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Foreign Policy:
►Our involvement in Sol is very important, and must be maintained
►Due to our small population, neutrality is our largest asset, and we must maintain that. Even though eIndonesia has invaded, I still believe that we need to be as neutral as possible, and have as many friends as possible. Let's face it, if we didn't have those Mutual Protection PActs when they invaded, we would have lost.
►I am all for the expansion of the Sol War Games
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Economic Policy:
►Currently, our economic plan, set up by Nagyzee, is working very well, and I see no need for change
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Domestic Policy:
►Once again, I will be encouraging people to join our forums, by placing a link, in size 25 font, in all caps at the end of every article. I encourage all newspaper editors to do this as well
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Please, even if you do not vote for me, or the DAP, just remember to vote! Let your voice be heard, and gain experience while doing it!
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Thank you for your time, and remember to vote nicholas2000 in Peninsular Malaysia,
nicholas2000, Minister In Prime Minister Department , Congressman