Newspapers I Am Subbed To and Recommend

Day 936, 09:13 Published in USA USA by Michael Porter

The Prez: Choc's Newspaper

Joshua Patterson: bright guy who does stuff/articles often SEES or trolling and funny

Gulden Draak: One of our best nonmilitary writers

Ligtreb:If you are not subbed to him you lack a soul

Fingerguns: One of our smartest and funniest political leaders

Cecil Knight: The next Mainegreen

Herr Vootsman: Great Guy and building the next generation

David Landon: developing into a great player and speaks about important issues

Devan Kronos: Not as active as he used to be but a very good writer

Hamilton: Burr nemesis/really smart guy

Gaius Julius: Incisive intellect and a cool guy who never did anything

mjdiv: one of the most expansive intellects in our nation

JPJ: nuff said

Serendipitious: smart guy and is writing better articles recently

Joe Schmo: good guy and good paper

Fionia: retired from congress and likely to put out good articles not related to congress

The Pony Express: if you are not subbed to it you are a communist

USA Welcoming Committee: if you are not subbed to this you are an elitist

Congress Paper: when they write something it is nice to see

The White House Briefing Room: if you are not subbed to this you are a 2-clicker or a PTOer

Astra Kat G: I miss her articles

Candor's Paper: A thoughtful and respectful Senator that I wish we had more of

Charmader: the pi symbol guy/wrote a few good articles

Dave Richards: writes good informative articles

Judean Princess: a girl and smart writes well

Joe Newton: smart and does propaganda stuff

Halfie: troll but is good at it

Krems: one of the smartest people we have

Harlot:everyday you are not subbed to this man a kitten dies

Luscius Casius: short but witty articles

Onishi: SEES fag but a cool guy who actually does stuff

Lexluthor: great Senator/smart and good sense of humor

Dept Of Interior: Civilian stuff

Myles Robinson: Mr Foreign Affairs

Robert Loggia: cool and funny guy

System0101: great analytical mind who has been less active recently

Zeuthir: noob has promise

Jewitt: used to be prez/writes high brow troll articles lately

Blazix: useful Azn we suspect to be a girl

Necrosis: Not a big writer lately but a Britfag we have grown to like

HR: tradition pic plus was prez a few times

KT:great whenever he wants to be

Greene12: political party related but good stuff