News regarding North European alliance!

Day 1,772, 10:11 Published in Norway Norway by Forsvaret

Hello fellow eCitizens!

I held a meeting last sunday with Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherland, Germark, Ireland and Russia.

The meeting was held to see different countrys perpsective and if they wanted to cooperate. I wanted to know if it was possible to form a new alliance with countrys i personally wanted to fight for!

This is my results:
All countrys was asked this simple question: How big interested do you have in a North European alliance?

Norway (cherub)
Norway is very much interested, mostly because we feel it will enhance our gameplay. "Scandinavia is quite different than balkan, we do not fight each other as hard as other neighbors"

Oldfags could argue that Sweden and Norway are like brothers, We fight each other. But cherub have a feeling that we can set this aside and move along together.

Getting an arrangement that gives Norway stronger allys than just scandinavia would be good. The ones who favour EDEN will use the argue that EDEN is safe.
Asgard is not safe for Norway
From our perspective, we are more or less pawns in someone elses gameplay.
So more often, we just try to find a stuitable arrangement we can live with.
In conclusion, YES cherub want this alliance, and it need to be a solid one to stop the arguments from those who wants to remain EDEN.

Asgard point of view.

Finland (Citizen Mu)
The sentiment in Finland was pretty much the same. Boredom with endless EDEN wars. There were concers that when Finland left EDEN they would get instantly wiped, but so far things have gone pretty decently for them.
Citizen MU personal opinion is that expanding Asgard should be done, but deliberate slowly. Therefore they have some concerns with an alliance of this size. He think it will lead to another big alliance where different people want different things.

Sweden (Neppons)
He agree with CitizenMu on most things!
The only thing he dont want to happen is to se Sweden as a puppet nation forced to be fighting in balkan. They like all of the countries that are in the meeting and think we can work together, but they dont want to bring to many or strong countries in to Asgard.

Terra point of view

Russia (abstained tho ilphen talked for them)
Russia is pretty much okay with status quo, Russia would like to keep the treaties with Sweden and Norway. It is too early for them to join a new alliance but support will be given to everyone.
Since Russia is very friendly with Finland and Germany there wont be any trouble. As most people have noticed even without having terra as an active alliance the cooperation between Russia and Germany has been very effective during the lithuania war. Right now Asgard is not the priority and Russia will stay more or less a neutral state.
But this might change with in the next time they get this offer. They want to see how the alliance starts up!

Support will be there from Russia for any wars that might occur and do not disturb the direct relations to friendly countries. But joining the alliance is not an option right now.

Germark (BadMax)
BadMax was busy playing poker so he didnt give germarks opinion.
"we also thought about asgard and we are positive about such an alliance, its an interesting alternative" Only thing he said.

EDEN point of view

Netherland (van_spijck)
They feel EDEN isn't interested in Netherlands interest lately. Netherlands people are fed up with always fighting EDEN wars. While they don't want to support Netherlands fights. Main goal for eNL is to get there regions back from Poland. They don't pay any rent and they wont give thme any other regions to compensate. The last weeks Netherland have been fighting a lot for Sweden. And the people like that better then always fight for Romania. They feel a much closer connection to countries assembled in the meeting.
They are not ready to leaving eden for now! They still want to change things in there, because they need a lot of help to get there land back.

Ireland (Beanandteddy)
According to recent surveys majority of ireland still supports EDEN!
Ireland want to try and fix EDEN before changing alliance.
The options of the surveys were stay in EDEN or leave. (Over 60% voted yes)
They had another one asking about satisfaction on scale 1-5. Results were roughly 3.5.
Majority of Ireland is satisfied but everyone would consider having good relations with nations in this meeting.

That is the opinion of the countrys and i would like to end with this:

Sweden made it clear that anyone that would like to join Asgard alliance are welcome. They are ready for all of you! They are willing to change the name and some small things if we agree to cooperate in an alliance.

This conclude this meeting and hope you have had a good time reading!

Best regards bATRA MoD