News of the Nation [Presidential Address]

Day 698, 11:12 Published in Canada Canada by William Duncan


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News of the Nation

Writer's Guild News | New Political Parties: Welcome! | Party President Elections: Congratulations! | eIndia: Happy Diwali | eIndia League: Sponsoring Friends | eIndia: Congratulations on Liberating North India! | The Foreign Policy Directive: Where We Stand | The Manitoba Attack: Lessons Learned | Thank you, Friends and Allies! | Challenge to the Nation

Congratulations to Recent Inductees of the Writer's Guild of Canada

I would like to congratulate Fram (nea milosu), Jacobi, Scorpius and Tyler F Durden on their recent induction into eCanada's prestigious Writer's Guild of Canada (WGC). All of these writers are prolific and their articles have touched and changed eCanadian life. The objective of the WGC to improve, promote and encourage journalism in eCanada has become the staple of the eCanadian reader's diet. Their work helps define us as a nation and a people. eCanadians: keep your eyes open for articles with "[WGC]" in their headings, these articles rarely disappoint.

Welcome New Political Parties!

Following the loss of our country, our political parties were wiped from the landscape. In the days that followed the traditional parties slowly re-emerged, along with newer Political Parties like the Canadian National Coalition, and re-inventions like that of the CPF. Now that we're back we are beginning to see a return to normal social and political life, all within the "New Canada" (post-diaspora) context. It is this "New Canada" that I want us all to work towards. The New Canada needs to take the lessons from the past and work towards implementing those lessons for a better future. With that we welcome two new political parties: C.H.A.O.S and Anime Commons Canada. I look forward to these new parties' ideas and contributions. Let's get in touch, and work together towards a new and better eCanada.

Congratulations to our Party Presidents!

On October 15th we went to the polls to elect the future leadership of our parties. With these elections came some new faces and the entrenchment of some already well known. To those who succeeded in their re-election: Rainer N of the CNC; Tyler F Durden of the CPF, and Ayeshan Dakseus of the DAL: Congratulations! Your parties have chosen to enshrine your policies and cotinue the guidance you've provided. I hope we can all work together for the benefit of eCanada. To you all I offer a challenge: Are you willing to work with me and my team to find and implement our common goals for this nation? I am, and I hope you are ready too.
And to the new Party Leaders: Uraczak of the C.H.A.O.S party, Yonsil of Anime Commons Canada, Nosyt of the Canadian Social Democrats and nea milosu (Fram) of the Canadian Paradox Party - Congratulations! Your parties now look to you to provide new leadership into the future. I look forward to working with you and addressing your ideas and beliefs. So I ask you: Get in touch with me! Bring forward those bright and shiny new ideas you want to see made reality in eCanada. Let's work together to make eCanada even greater.

Happy Diwali, eIndia!

Our friends in eIndia are celebrating their annual festival of Diwali! This annual festival is roughly their equivalent to Christmas, and I encourage eCanadians to wish eIndia a Happy Diwali! You can send your best wishes for eIndia in articles such as this one.

How to Help our Friends: Sponsoring the eIndia League

eIndian Freedom Fighters are seeking sponsors for a League they have begun in conjunction with their Diwali festival. The AHF, a popular eIndian paramilitary force that seeks the full liberation and restoration of eIndia, has created a kind of tournament (League) to help improve their forces but also establish new and lasting friendships for eIndia. Business Owners & Philanthropists : I strongly encourage you to sponsor this event and let our friends in eIndia know that eCanada cares about their future independence, liberty and sovereignty! Show your charity, eCanada! Click here to find out how you can help.

Liberating eIndia: One Region at a Time

As you can see, eIndia has been making a lot of news,

Early in my term I ordered the CAF to work in conjunction with AHF (eIndian freedom fights) and EDEN forces in the liberation of eIndia's North India region. The operation was a complete success, and eIndia now enjoys a High Gain region back in the control of its rightful owners. We hope this landmark victory is not lost on the eIndians, and we wish them the best of success in their future. I have and will continue to support eIndia's Independence movements, and not only eIndia's but any nation asking for help in their time of need. eCanadians knows all too well the consequences of imperialism, and we must never forget our duty as a People and a Nation to to uphold liberty and independence, at home and abroad. A friend in need is a friend indeed: those asking for our help can expect it.

Where We Stan😛 Foreign Policy in New Canada

eCanada now has an official Directive for all things related to Foreign Policy. Whether it's how we should treat our Friends, Allies, those peoples and nations we can call our brothers or nations who have chosen to become our enemies, we can all now reference the official recommendation for dealing and treating with them. This directive provides a comprehensive list so both present and future citizens and governments can know where we stand on the world stage; who we can safely call our friends, allies and those who chose to be our enemies. Citizens: read this directive! Comment on it and join our national debate. You can find the Directive posted for all to see on our Forums here:

The Manitoba Lessons

A few days ago Brolliance and EDEN forces launched an all out attack on Manitoba. The final minutes of the battle were an intense exchange of the fire power of the New World's super powers, leaving the allied forces just shy of a victory in Manitoba after much PEACE GC and eHungarian tanking. The CAF was out in full force, with nearly 40 members online in the CAF chat room conducting coordinated, timed strikes with our allies; meanwhile, common eCanadian citizens were quietly being funneled from eCanada to the eUSA in Operation Vimy Ridge, loaded with weapons to also participate in the final charge.
Our policy of encouraging and rewarding more activity, especially in the CAF, is paying off in damage dividends. We are actively working to boost ranks within all branches of our military. The Brolliance + EDEN demonstrated the stunning damage that together we can deliver. Each time we attack: We grow stronger; our enemies, poorer. For this reason I openly ask, seek and encourage continued assaults on this front until such a time as we finally liberate North America.

To Our Friends and Allies, Thank You!

In the last battle soldiers representing nations from around the New World showed their support for us and contributed en mass in the final assault on Manitoba. To our brothers in the United States, our allies in EDEN, and our Friends from around the worl😛 I issue our country's deepest thanks. Many of our friends and allies stayed up to the wee hours of the night in order to help us in our attempt to liberate Manitoba: you are not forgotten. Many, many of our private citizens went above and beyond the call of duty to provide material support for the operation. eCanada showed her colours, and when we did, our enemies were thrown into a desperate defense. Let's not forget the reasons for our past and future successes: our friends, allies and our willingness to sacrifice for both them and our country.

From eCanada to our Friends & Allies abroa😛 Thank you!

From me to all of those citizens who put their time and heart into seeing the liberation of eCanada, thank you! Your dedication, passion and charity is a never ending source of inspiration...

Still, I Issue a Challenge to Our Nation:

When the next battle comes, let us do even more. Let's see more of our soldiers on stand-by for the final assault, let's see more of our countrymen providing aid and support for the liberation of our country, and let's see more citizens showing our good will by thanking and helping our Friends and Allies. The Project for a New Canada, one that has learned from the past and is ready for a brighter future is in your hands. Together, we can make a nation we can all be proud of. I am ready and willing to do my part, are you ready to do yours?

Topics for next issue: The Royal Canadian Mint | Reforming How Government Works | Improving Our Armed Forces | The World War: Part II | Brolliance & Beyond

