News From link_0z (PLEASE VOTE) Congress Read

Day 473, 16:39 Published in Germany Germany by link_0z

Dear Austrians and Germans,

Several things are going and have happened. I would like to congratulate all presidential candidates for their efforts and keeping democracy. Congratulations to Isy for winning his second term in a row you must be doing something right 😉. From what I know we still have not picked a new flag and so I encourage everyone to enter there ideas and even make them. Who knows, I may even reward whoever makes the best one or the one we pick 😉.

I would like to announce that I have been requested by Isy to put together a Mobile Troop for aiding our allies when needed. I am mainly looking for those who speak English (sorry everyone who doesn't) and have above 5 strength but exception will be made. For the most part I have been led to believe weapons and tickets are to be payed for or distributed to soldiers through me. Also when we do need to leave Germany I would be more than happy to talk to your employer about you getting your job back. If you have anymore questions about this contact me or Isy.

Congress, it is very important to sign up at the German forum. There is where a lot of discussion goes on and were proposals are decided upon. For those who have signed up and were not granted access in to congress I apologize, though it's not my fault. Lhasa hasn't changed everyone to congress and I advise you to message him either here or on the forum asking him to change it so you can see the congress section. I plan on asking him to give another person the control to do so when he is not around or has missed someone. I will also inform you once again that any proposal that is not discussed on the German forum will most likely be voted no by the majority of congress. If you don't have access to congress at the moment then propose it in the Economy section.( this means if you are a congressman also check for proposals in the Economy section). I hope to resolve the most of this soon with Lhasa so we don't have any problems and have more communications. I will be proposing to the admins to enable an auto message , made by the congress/president of the country, to new congress after every election so they know what to do.

I am sorry Austrian for using and saying German more, I just have to get used to the change. I'll will work more on my integration of Germany&Austria. If anyone could translate this for me into German it would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone needs help with buying food,moving tickets,gifting don't be afraid to comment this for help or send me a message. PLEASE VOTE this up and subscribe if you would like.

Your Congressman & Friend,