News Alert 5

Day 899, 15:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

Goodbye Pakistan.

I will take my leave of the land to which I am so attatched, the land which blossoms beaty even in its darkest corners. Today we are surrounded by traitors, interested in only they're own pocket. For months, these people have medal hunted our congress and Presidential seats in the name of their beloved 'Dio'. These people are the members of the party Ventuo Areo.

They have attacked my fellow Pakistanis countless times they shyed away when confronted about it. They are the root cause of the destruction of our motherland. For days Balkan Beast and Fruitcommando freely made personnel attacks against RL Pakistanis in our media, even after numerous attempts ton resolve this issue they continued, without even so much as a pip squik from their leaders. Today, various members of their party attack our patriots. I am disgusted with their greed. I can stand and watch my nation rotting no longer. Something must be done.

I hear an international army is being built up north. Where blood, sweat and tears will do some good for this world. I hope to toil away, brick by brick my brothers will build greatness for you, my mother land. The sweat dripping off my body as I toil away with manual labour, on the battlefield which will benifit you Pakistan without the interception of these assassins is a dream. I hope the blood, sweat and tears of my brothers will rise our nation but if not, I wish that you keep shedding your blood, sweat and tears for our nation. For without it we are nothing.

To those who were true our nation, who endlessly worked for its betterment I salute you. You are truly my brothers and the sons of Pakistan. Look into your heart, if you have put Pakistan first then you will know that my words are for you. Keep working hard, doing what you do best - giving your all for Pakistan.

My words for those that have destoryed my precious nation bit by bit, your day of reckoning is approaching. You have crossed by country, hurt it through your lies and greed. Make no mistake that the same fate awaits you a thousand fold. You have taken from a Pakistani its most precious thing, its motherland and for that you have put a Pakistani into a determind war like state of mind. Remember this, remember your wrongs because they will be force fed back into you. I hope I see you again, the only reason - for the avenging of mother Pakistan.

Help is always given to those who seek it, stay pure to Pakistan my brothers, you will be rewarded. We will soon shout Pakistan Zinabad from the peaks of K2 to the rooftops of Islamabad. May god be with you.

One day I WILL return, with glory.