Newest informations and screens from eRepublik v2!

Day 924, 08:15 Published in Poland Poland by Cerber

Thanks to admin's decision screens from v2 beta aren't considered illegal anymore so I put a repost of my deleted article. Also thank you for removing my FP.


To begin with, the new profile page:" />
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And the company. It's an ex-Q5 company, as you can see weapons produced here can be used 50 times. Attack and defence is the chance to hit and to be hit. Damage is obviously the damage done by the rifle." />
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Here are the screens from the ticket company. Above is the characteristic of moving tickets produced in this company, below is the screen from the company itself. Paper quality decides
how much wellness will ticket take or give, packaging regulates the happiness and itinerary tells you how many zones can you cross." />
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Going further, here it is a house company. It's houses have 54 day durability, afterwards you'll have to buy a new one. Just a note - raw requirements doesn't seem to be set already and most probably will be changed. Or not." />
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Last kind of companies I'll show is the hospital company. This particular one has durability of 5500, however other products have per use this one doesn't. Defense systems 50000 uses from 50 walls points. Also hospitals have a range of effect - this particular is 9 tiles, which should cover most of the battle map, which I'll show later." />
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Last screen before I move to the war module is the marketplace. Players can set their preferences choosing minimal requirements of each part of the product." />
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So you want to fight. First you open a war page and you see a battle with its status. Wall is gone, instead there is a note of tiles in possession of each party. Attacker starts with 40 tiles." />
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YES! There will be sound! Which is mainly a voice informing you about what's happening on the battle field. Battle is divided into turns. Both attacker and defender have 2:30min for perform their operations, then the game makes necessary calculations and the other side's turn begins" />
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Nice info on every tile will tell you which to pick and which to avoid. Remember that you will have to pick one of random five citizens defending the tile. So by checking who's there you have bigger probability of getting right people to slap a bit. This particular tile is plain with 10% bonus for tanks." />
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