Newbie Guide 101 - for level 5 and beyond! (editted)

Day 767, 00:39 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Hi to all the recent newbies of eMalaysia,

If you have signed up 3-4 days ago, you will be approaching level 5-6 soon. As you passed through level 5, you are eligible to participate in wars, and level 6 - you will be able to join political parties and more importantly, you can start voting in the elections - i.e. choosing the leaders of this nation. Below is a quick guide to what lies ahead, beyond these few boring days of two-clicking....i wrote this article when i was merely a 27 days old newbie myself.

original article

As someone who have recently progressed through the rank and levels, i realise it was rather difficult to figure out what exactly one need to do in order to progress through this game. Truely, the game is only more interesting and exciting when you are beyond level 12-15. That's when you would want to run for congress, participate in party/national politics, start a company or an organsation, or like me, start a newspaper and practice your writing! If only there's e-Pulitzer Prize. 🙂

Anyway, i intend to write a brief guide for newbie, which i am naming "101 - Beyond level 5":

1. Basic You have double-clicked (work-train) your way through to level 5-6. I presume you have added an avatar pic as that would give you an instant level-up. Surely, by now, you noticed that you need to eat (or buy food) in order to maintain the wellness.

2. Training War - Part I When you reach level 5, you are eligible to fight for your nation. One cool thing about eMalaysia is that we are spending good monies to organise "practice war". You will notice that eMalaysia is constantly at war with the Philiphines (or some other neighbouring country), typically at Sabah. To fight in the war, you must have at least wellness level of 40. By fighting in training war, you will gain experience points (XP) rather quickly. I remember progressing to level 6 and 7 within 24 hrs.

3. Training War - Part II The key of participating in this training war is to utilise our Q5 hospital at Penisular Malaysia. This would give you 50 wellness points, but you must fight at least once during that e-day. To use the hospital - go to Penisular Malaysia and click "heal". To fight in 'battles', go to "my places" >> "army" >> "show active wars" ..and look for one with Malaysia. Sometimes there is no active war, as there is a particular time-window for these training-wars. I would encourage all newbies to relocate to Penisular Malaysia - until we have built another Q5 hospital in another region.

4. Wellness It took me two weeks to realise that your wellness level affects your productivity at work. That's when my boss refused to give me a pay raise despite the fact that i have gained an extra level of skill. So, the idea is to maintain your wellness in the range of 90-100. To maximise your productivity you should : "Train before you fight (in training war/war). And Work after you heal in the hospital.". . 😃 If your productivtiy is consistently high from having a good level of wellness, i am sure you employers would reward you with pay increments.

5. Politics An aspect of this game that intrigues me the most - is its political and multi-players aspect. Are you a natural leader/politician? Are you smart and sly at the same time? Can you convince others and sell the ideals of yours to the fellow countrymen/women? Oh well, once you re in level 6, you can vote in the congressional and presidential election. Once you re in level 7, you can officially join a party. The party and national politics of eMalaysia is currently quite dynamic and interesting. Within smaller party - there are opportunity to grow and participate s well. [plus, you win 5 golds if you win a congressional election, and lots more if you win the presidential election]. To vote - go to "My places - party". There should be a tab for "vote" within that.

6. Gold and Money - Part I You will gradually notice that everything - i mean - everything cost money in eRepublik, not unlike the real world. Gold or MYR (eMalaysia) currency is required to purchase stuff (food etc), start an organisation/party/newspaper/company etc. The key is to keep working and saving up. Reaching level 5 would give you 5 golds too. Do not spend them un-necessarily. Some mentors would advise you to keep them for a Q5 house. Some would suggest investing it with some friends on a Q1-Q2 company. I for example, spend my first golds on starting this newspaper - as part of my congressional election campaign. It sorts of paid off, because i won a place in the Congress, and i won 5 golds in the process.

7. Gold and Money - Part II The mechanics of this game allows tremendously opportunity and game-play in terms of economics, business, trade, export-import and so forth. However, as a new player, you would not have sufficient capital or monies to enjoy this part of the game yet. I would suggest that you read through some of the articles in the 'famous' newspapers (like mine..hahaha), as well as the eMalaysia forum. I would not deal too much with this at the moment.

8. Media and newspaper In many parts of e-world, role-playing features heavily in the game. For example, i would imagine myself as the e-eMalaysia's Raja Petra (RPK) or e-eMalaysia's own Nietzsche. Hahaha. For newbies out there - if you are keen to write, but can't be bothered to spend 2 golds to start a newspaper - feel free to drop me a message, and i would be glad to publish your article here. Of course, i would maintain the right to reject. 😃

9. Final last word - this game can be as exciting as you want it to be. But unfortunately, the first 10 days can be as boring as watching paint dry. So, don't give up so easily, and when you are at level 5-6, things will speed up much more. Another great thing about eMalaysia is the fact that some of the experienced players here are indeed very very helpful (and have heaps of time on their hand). They will typically answer any questions you can throw to them.

Link to e-eMalaysia forum
Link to eMalaysiamentoring forum thread
IRC Channel : at server.
Link to a 'famous newspaper': Chronicles of Democracy, Viva!

ps: The presidential election is coming up in 7 days. Your votes count and make sure you don't waste it. If you spare some thoughts and time to listen/read to the candidates - you will realise it is as real as Real Life Politics.

pps: Welcome to eMalaysia. Hope you will enjoy your e-life here as much as i do.

Carr De Vaux (27 Days Old DAP Congressman).

Carr De Vaux