New Players Read this (Calvin Hobbes Contribution)

Day 611, 09:58 Published in Canada Canada by Booleus
The Importance of Training
By Calvin Hobbes, Guest Contributor
Upon reaching Level 2, many new eCitizens will question the need to train. You might ask, “Why should I bother to train every day when it adds only 0.25 to my strength and it costs me one wellness point?”
A valid question, but here’s why it’s important. Training increases your strength and makes you a more formidable soldier when defending your country. A buck private with a strength of 4.0 will inflict 8 damage points on the enemy, whereas a private who does not train every day and who has a strength of 2.0 will cause only 4 damage points. Sure, training is a gradual process, but it’s easy. It takes only a couple mouse clicks each day.
Let’s see what extensive training will do. Our very own beloved commander, Coda, has a strength of 14.16 and earned the in-game rank of Field Marshall. With top quality weapons, she can inflict 258 damage points in each fight. She can fight several times each day and make a real difference defending our country.
What if your eReligion prohibits you from fighting? Then let’s talk money. When you train regularly and increase your strength 5 points, you earn a reward of 5 Gold. That’s 166 CAD and that ain’t no chicken feed!
Okay, if defending the honour of our great nation isn’t enough and 5 Gold isn’t enough, here’s one more reason . . . the adoration of eCitizens everywhere. eWomen love strong eMen (and vice versa). Rumour has it that Coda has eMen hitting on her daily. And Dean22, with a strength of 14.414, has to fight off the eWomen with a stick.
So, new eCitizens, train hard every day and fight for eCanada!