New Players- Do Not be downheartened!

Day 1,018, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by deVillefort
A message to new players out there
Fellow newbies. As eUK veterans are leaving the game left,right and centre for reasons x,y and z. Do not be downhearted.


You see, eUK is like a Pyramid, with the eUK elite at the top and Newbies at the bottom. There are different ways of reaching the top,but always if people above you leave the game, you move up!

That is why I would encourage all of you to not quit!
When people leave, it's because they've done what they wanted, got out of this game what they wanted from this game and have decided to quit!
This does not mean this is a bad game!
If it had been a bad game, they would not have kept playing it for more than a month. The attitude new players should take when someone leaves is,"sorry to see you go, now its my turn!"

Everyone was new at some point- And everybody knows what it's like to be new. Erepublik is a difficult and different tyoe of game which takes some getting used to. This is why it's important for you to know that you can PM anyone ingame with anything. Me for starters, I was new very recently and I found it quite lonely at first. Send me a friend request and a PM and you can be sure to get a reply.

Take advantage of people leaving
With all these old players leaving, eUK is now a land of opportunity, opportunity which you, as new players, should grasp with both hands. There are many ways to do this, you can join the army here:

or help out in the running of the country by joining the Ministry Of Home affairs. Just PM Daniel Thorrold (Big Guy in charge of the MoHA) for more information on where you can help out!

or just get on the forums and be yourself! More people means a bigger community and a bigger community is what the eUK wants!

I have been playing the game for a short while now, I just reached lvl 20, here are a few tips from me on how to get into erepublik easier:
1. DO join the forums, it expands this game by at least 100%, the first time you see it, it can be a bit confusing but just have a bit of a read and in a few days you will be a knowledgeable poster.
2. If you are struggling to find anything you can give your opinion on in the forums, look in Non-Erepublik discussion, in these topics, you have just as much chance of knowing about it than anybody else does.
3. As soon as you reach lvl 9, join a political party, I joined the RFA but pick any party you like the look of any of the top 6 parties are good, probably with the exception of no.5. Also, most of your party's goings on are done in their own private forums. Be sure to join these if you want to become an active member of your party!
4. Do NOT criticize anyone in your first few days of playing, the chances are your the one talking rubbish as your comparing something to the real world which isn't necessarily true in erepublik.
5. Keep your Gold! Gold is a valuable currency and should not be spent quickly, your lucky to get Treasure Maps so easily, its not like that always!
6. Don't be scared to talk to people! Making friends is the way to move up in this game and they won't bite (well most of them won't anyway!).
7. Be patient, things don't happen instantly in this game, moving up takes time and effort.

Summary- No-one expects you to be as good as them yet! Yes your not able to earn as much as most people yet or wipe out Veteran enemies on the battlefield! But take you Junior economy skill wage and use your Q2 weapons with your Hotshot weapon skill and be proud of your "new player" status!

deVillefort-A newbie just like you!