New Players Battle Guide [Ministry of Education]

Day 700, 15:31 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada

Make sure to fight here: Current Urgent Battle Orders

The Ministry of Education would like to offer a battle guide inspired by the Swedish Ministry of Education guide. This is a basic How-To guide for Candians and offers some background information. Full credit for this article belongs to ThomasP87. If any new players need help using the hospital after fighting in our important battle today, please PM me.

As a continuation on [Bildguide] - Krig here is a sequel within the subject of warfare in eRepublik. This is a guide that will answer alot of regular questions within warfare aswell as give a in depth look at the subject at hand. It can even give the most experienced players thoughts to ponder about.

1. What is a Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) and how does it work?
2. Non-Aggression Pact (NAP)
3. How and when is an alliance activated?
4. Start a war
5. Initiative
6. Resistance War (RW)
7. Blocking
8. Region swap
9. War isnt free - Costs
10. Tanks

1. What is a Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) and how does it work?

MPP, or Alliance as it is now called, is a abbreviation for Mutual Protection Pact. An alliance can only be created if the President of one country submits a proposal to the congress. The proposal will automatically be submitted to both countries at the same time and needs to pass a majority vote in both country to pass. If the proposal is turned down in one or both countries, nothing will happen. An alliance will cost both countries 30 Gold each and will last for 30 days, in other words a MPP costs 1 Gold per day.

Alliances can cease to exist if the countries declare wars against eachother, but since that cost quite a bit of gold people turn to the "Friend of a Friend Cancellation". For example: if both Sweden and Norway have an alliance with Denmark and Sweden attacks Denmark, then Sweden will loose their alliance with Norway. This tactic is sometime used when allies want the possibility to quickly swap regions with eachother.

2. Non-Aggression Pact (NAP)

Non-Aggression Pact is not a game function, but a contract between 2, or more, countries presidents that is written on the forum at Its foremost function is to forbid the countries from military conflicts with eachother, but it can also be used to forbid economical attacks. A Non-Aggression Pact is only in effect on direct conflicts between the involved countries and does not stop the countries assist their allies in their battles.

3. How and when is an alliance activated?

An alliance is only activated when another allied is being attacked in one of their original regions. When Sweden hade regions in Denmark they were attacked by Hungary, this did not activate Swedens alliances in the war towards Hungary, because Denmark did not belong to Sweden originally. If Hungary would have kept on attacking Scania (Skåne) that would have activated Swedens alliances and they would have been able to fight alongside Sweden against Hungary from their own countries.

That is the point of an alliance, when countries get attacked "at their own court" they will get assisted by their allies. When an alliance has been activated it does not only affect the original regions, it is in effect until the war between the countries have ended. An activated alliance will only get anulled when the countries have made peace or the other country have been eradicated from the map (all regions have been conquered).

If a country gets attacked and their alliances get activated they are free to make a counter attack and still have all their allies with them. This is why a attack on original regions easily can get a counter effect. This is what happened with Greece just recently. Turkey, who had several greek regions in their control decided to attack Central Greece to get a high region in iron. Greece, who resisted the attack have with the help of their allies regained all the regions that Turkey previously owned.

4. Start a war

A war is started by the president who submits a proposal that the congress votes on, if the majority votes yes it will cost the country 200 Gold + 0.1 Gold per citizen, in the country being attacked, that have reached level 5.

A war can also be started by attacking a land who has a MPP with a neighbour to the attacking country. Russia started a war with Sweden in that way. Russia attacked and conquered Nord-Norge from Norway. At the same time, the war in North America was in full effect, so the next time Russia attacked USA a war got initiated with Sweden who then was a neighbour to Russia. In this way one can easily use MPP's to start a war without having to pay for them.

5. Initiative

During a war it can be hard to understand why countries do as they do. The war module in the game is very complex but after having read this you will hopefully have gotten rid of most perplexities.

When a war is declared the initating country will get initiative for 24 hours, if they have not attacked during this time it will be free for the defending country to counter attack. No country will have the initiative until the other side have opened war. This comes into effect in a war if no order of attack have been issued within 24 hours from the last issued order. It is free for all countries involved.

Which country that is allowed to attack depends on who has got the initiative, the country who declares the war gets the initiative for 24 hours and is allowed to attack as many regions they can and want to. If they attack a region and win, then they may continue attacking. If, however, the region would get defended, then they will loose the initiative and the other country will get the opportunity to attack. When a country wins a battle they will keep the initiative and the other country is prevented to attack for 24 hours.

If an attacking country is on the way to loose a battle in one region, they can attack another region and in that way keep the initiative no matter how the first regions battle ends. Initiative is always based on the last finished battle. They can also retreat from the first region and still keep the initiative, weird one might think, but that's the rules. It can be used by the opponents to damage a region, then retreat and attack again. This is a tactic that can cost quite a bit of Gold because you get to pay two starting fees, but it can help a well coordinated military force. You are only allowed to retreat during the first 6 hours of a battle these days.

6. Resistance War (RW)

If a region have been conquered, an attempt to return it to its original owner can be made by starting a Resistance War (RW). This is a battle started from within the region and only people living in the country that currently owns the region can do battle there. Sweden currently owns Nordjylland, if Denmark wants to regain that region they can start a Resistance War. The disadvantage in comparison to a normal attack being that they will only be attacking from Sweden.

A great opportunity for Resistance Wars is when the country is nearly obliterated, the hospital are destroyed and a large part of the population is still behind enemy lines. Then they can move to the enemy regions with Q5 hospitals and use this as a advantage in the war. No Moving Tickets are required to move home and you can work for a enemy company with low wellness. You used to have voting rights in the country but this have been changed with the introduction of citizenship.

7. Blocking

If an attacking country has lost the initiative they can still get help, if a country attacks the defending country they will get blocked from reopening a new war and the initiative can be regained.

To prevent a country from retreating in a conquered region you can, as the defending side start a Resistance War and then immediately after make a regular attack. The issue at hand being that Resistance Wars cannot be retreated from and the first attack dictates the rules for the following battles. So if you start a RW and then attack the region the opponents wont be able to retreat to regain the initiative. This is called a double block.

Blocking is probably the most frequently used tactic, if you see a country that is not directly involved in the attacks of the battle at hand, then it is probably used to block another country to attack. This is what both North Korea, Norway, Schweiz and Colombia have done with mixed success. Both North Korea and Schewiz have been obliterated from the map when PEACE GC got tired of their blocks and decided to attack them instead.

8. Region Swapping

Region swapping is used between 2, or more, allied countries to swap regions with eachother. It is done by the country that wishes the region ordering an attack and the president of the other country retreating immediately. It can be a fairly expensive tactic to use but sometimes essential to get the best tactical disposition. Previously it was used more often when smaller countries with regions that had a higher population were swapped to a country with a higher population to easier defend against a political take over. Since the introduction of citizenship this is not a issue anymore.

9. War isnt free - Costs

Something that you need to take into account when you start a war is the cost. Yes, of course you can let a president press some button when drunk but the recommendation is to carefully calculate your income and expected expenses while doubling the expenses because unexected things happen. No doubt, a war can empty the deepest treasury chest quite quickly. This I will illustrate below.

Go to Info >> Military Stats >> Alliances and you will see that Sweden has 8 alliances signed right now. Each alliance cost 30 G to start up, which brings a cost of 1 Gold per day. That means the alliances cost 240 G per month.

Declaration of War
To declare a war against a nation it will cost 200 Gold as a starting fee + 0.1 G per citizen above level 5 in the attacking country. Picture that a country has 3000 citizens, that will cost them 200 + 0.1 * 3000 = 500 Gold only to declare the war. If the country has 10 000 citizens the cost rises to 1 200 Gold, so you can save alot of Gold that instead can be used to stock the soldiers with weapons and gifts.

Resistance War
In each region where a Resistance War is started costs money, here the starting fee is only 50 Gold but on the other hand, the cost per citizen is larger. A smaller region like Nordjylland with 132 citizens would cost 50 + 0.25 * 132 = 83 Gold. New Jersey with 995 citizens would cost 50 + 0.25 * 995 = 298.75 Gold.

Attacking a region
Attacking a region is supposed to cost as much as a RW, the formulas presented give the same answer but the actual cost is different. It could be counted in such a way that dead/banned accounts is not taken into account even though they are in a Resistance War.

10. Tanks

To tank, this is a regular term used in erepublik. But how do you know if someone is tanking? The ideal tank is found by giving gold to the strongest person on your side, preferably a person that has obtained the Field Marshal (FM) rank and you give him Q5 weapons for maximal damage. But, do you need high strength and Field Marshal to tank? No, absolutely not, it doesnt matter as long as you have the ability to fight. Anyone can be a tank, but everyone shouldnt do it because it is a very expensive method that only adds a bit more damage.

Wellness Boxes (often wrongly called Wellness packs) can be bought, 20 pieces when level 1-14 and 40 pieces when you've passed level 15.

How do you tank?
The best definition of tanking is to use Wellness boxes to hit once/a few times more. You can buy wellness boxes when you've fought atleast once and you are in the fighting-screen, on the lower right you can see a text saying "Buy Wellness Box". You get +10 wellness for 2 Gold, so it is quite pricy. This can be compared with buying gifts to a value of +10 wellness, which costs around 0.5 Gold. So, using 40 wellness boxes during in one day brings a cost of 80 Gold.

How many times can you fight each day?
We are assuming that the subject at hand is living in a region with a Q5 Hospital, have 100 Wellness and is quite wealthy. There are 3 ways to raise your wellness after fighting that can bring atleast one more round of fighting.

Hospital: Gives +50 Wellness = 5 Battles
Wellness Box: Gives +10/each, 40 wellness boxes can be bought each day = 40 battles
Gifts: To a maximum of +10 Wellness per day = 1 battle

That brings a result of 5 + 40 + 1 = 46 times that you can fight and still end at 100 Wellness.
It is possible to do battle from 100 Wellness to as low as 30, and with that get 7 extra battles. But that requires that you sacrifice battles for the coming day. 46 battles is the number you can fight per day during a longer period of time.

Kamikaze is the name of the tactic mentioned above that gives an additional 7 battles per day. It requires that you fight down your wellness so far that you sacrifice the possibility to battle as many times the coming day. Most often you will only be able to attack once the next day before you need to use the hospital, or even use gifts to be able to fight again.

Wellness increase with Q4-Q5 Moving Tickets
There is no actual limit on how many times you can fight during a day and still end up on 100 Wellness. If you use Q4-Q5 Moving Tickets you will get a wellness increase on +1-2 depending on the ticket. If you move 5 times with Q5 Moving Tickets you will get a additional +10 in wellness and can fight once more. However, currently there isnt a single Q4-Q5 Moving Ticket on the market in the whole world. An additional note must be added, it is not confirmed that there is a limit on travelling per day, but there is no written max limit found anywhere.


Minister of Education, eSweden