New MU, competition & other Information!

Day 1,326, 15:59 Published in Norway Norway by Scorpicus

Dear Citizens of Norway! I am Xenius Scorpicus, your Country President!

New Military Unit!
As some of you might have noticed; Telemarksbataljonen is full. In order to let more citizens get involved in the army, BP is turning BTO into a national army unit.

Telemark Bataljonen will carry most of the heavy hitters, and will be run by MrManiac.
BTO(current name) will carry everyone else, and will be run by me, Xenius Scorpicus.

Military Unit name competition!
Given that this MU will now be a National MU, It needs a new name.

I will give 2,000 NOK (out of my personal funds) to whomever comes up with a name I like. Shout names in the comment field, and hope you get picked!

Government update!
We have deside to add wildsheepchase as Vice Minister of Public Relations. His contributions to the team will be most welcomed.

Please remember to subscribe to this newspaper, and keep yourself updated on the latest orders. If you are unclear about how/where to fight, visit our IRC channel. #FSK @ Quakenet. Don’t forget to Vote up battle order articles!

If you have any questions for me, send me an ingame msg or find me on IRC; Xenius @ #eNorge / #FSK. And please add me to your friends list!

Stay Strong, Stay Loyal!