New Ministry Creation: Elections Canada

Day 706, 11:39 Published in Canada Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00


As promised in my platform, I am proposing the creation of a new ministry named Elections Canada for the purpose of ensuring fair and open elections without prejudice to those unable to cope with the financial burden, and also to ensure that wholesale skirting of anti-bribery laws are curtailed. This ministry will be funded by the Canadian government but all political parties will be encouraged to contribute.

How will it work?

Elections Canada will be active each month from the 23rd-25th and will be staffed by a Minister who must remain impartial. The Minister therefore cannot be a current or former party president, nor hold any political party positions.

Any citizen who wishes to vote in a certain electorate will have the opportunity to contact Elections Canada and request moving tickets. If the electorate they wish to move to does not have a Q5 hospital, two moving tickets will be provided. If the electorate has a Q5 hospital, only one moving ticket will be provided.

Minister Obligations & Responsibilities

The Minister in charge of the program must be active from the 23rd-25th and promptly deliver moving tickets as requested. The Minister must also promote the program to eCanadians by running citizen ads on eRepublik and writing an article about the program.

Possible Funding Scheme:

Political Party Contributions based on member size (top five parties only)

$0.50 per member/Congressional Election

DAL: $251.00
CPF: $120.00
CNC: $118.50
CS😨 $115.50
CPP: $80.50

Total: $685.50


Initial Expenses

Org creation: 5 gold
Newspaper creation: 2 gold

Running Expenses:

Citizen Ads: 3 gold per election
Moving Tickets: Estimating 200-400 or $1288-$2576 per election