New fronts opened as Romania attacks Serbia, Brazil counterattacks Spain.

Day 888, 11:29 Published in USA USA by Sossu

After the hotly contested day of 886, the new World War shows no signs of calming as both Alliances continue to attack each other and take new challenges upon themselves. The epic day 886 was noted by the Administration team, stating that eRepublik is very well alive and kicking with 56,500 individual soldiers inflicting 36,500,000 damage in one day. The vast size of the battle for Rhone Alps is underlined as nearly two thirds of the entire day’s damage was inflicted there despite the attacks on Croatia and Poland’s original territories.
The war is continued with new offensive moves from Eden, who show no signs of stopping despite suffering major setbacks during days 886-887. Spain was able to wipe Slovenia from Rhone Alps, but is currently suffering a counteroffensive from Brazil who have 18 active MPP😒 against Spain. Germany was able to reclaim their original capital and economical hub of Berlin, while Romania has thrown all cautiousness out from the window and has launched two new deadly MPP-sets by attacking Serbia and Bulgaria. Croatia is having success over Hungary but options are running thin as Serbia might be freed from constant blocking and put an end to the Eden advance, and decisive battles over Hungary’s core regions such as Central Hungary are still waiting to be started.
China is supporting Eden efforts with a new attack on Heilongjiang, but is currently suffering from an attack from Russia towards Jilin. Greece and Israel are tagging up in Asia Minor to invade Turkey while no one is watching, and these battles form the core of military actions on day 888.

Phoenix launches an attack on Spain.

After the Polish loss of the immense battle for Rhone Alps, Spain decided to put their very existence in to jeopardy by attacking the Brazilian core region of North of Brazil. This region has been a site for two famous battles when Poland tried to invade the region and claim it’s resources by using their puppet nation of Peru, who had an activated Polish MPP against Brazil. Phoenix was however able to win a RW started in the Peruvian-owned NoB, putting an end to the Polish efforts. Later the region has grown to be a major population hub with over 8000 inhabitants.
By attacking Brazil, Spain got a “free” war against Slovenia, and attacked the now Slovenian-controlled Rhone Alps to reclaim it back under Eden influence. Spain succeeded in their task, and with the recent peace treaty with Poland, Polish citizens are able to return home by using only 1 ticket instead of two. Spain also has vastly larger ticket markets, and the prices for tickets will stay lower than in Slovenia, where greedy capitalist scumbags quickly raised the price of a moving ticket to almost five times over normal.
Spain, despite being a powerful country, will now have to spread their forces thin as the brave French warriors (no kidding) might start to rebel in the Spanish-occupied wood regions at the same time Spain faces an invasion from the South. The French mobile army has proven their strength and they are a very notable force, making the most damage for Phoenix in the RA battle.
Also, if the initiative in Hungary flips in the near future, Hungary might be swapped through Italy to clear France from Spanish conquerors.

Brazil wasted no time and soon after they seized the initiative they attacked the Spanish Canary Islands. The invasion is expected to succeed as 18 MPP😒 is an overwhelming force against the Spanish MPP😒, which consist of nations currently occupied in other fronts.
Brazil might have enough momentum to advance further in to Spain despite the upcoming Polish and presumably American MPP😒. Spain got wiser from the last time they got invaded and instead of many low populated areas they have huge population hubs in Madrid, Iron region of Asturias and wood colony of Aquitaine. Brazil has the options of either challenging Spain over these regions and decimate them, or avoid attacking them and suck out damage by attacking the lower populated regions in between.

USA will play a part in this play as well, as many Spanish regions border USA via the Atlantic Express. If Brazil invades Spain completely, USA will have the chance of challenging Brazil in to 1vs1 battle over Spain. Ultimately Brazil either has to avoid attacking the shore regions in Northern parts of Spain, including Asturias, and therefore exposing to a counterattack, or annexing them completely and challenging USA in to a war without MPP😒 with Spain’s existence in stake.

Regions bordering USA highlighted, Spanish offensive coming from the South.

Romania to pull a Finland as they launch more MPP😒, Croatia succeeds to conquer an important economical region.

Phoenix has made very few mistakes during the past 4 days in contrary to Eden condemning a member nation to be destroyed at least five times in a day, but the biggest mistake made by PHX is now graciously repaired by Romania. PHX wasn’t able to advice their member nation of Bulgaria to refrain from signing a peace with Romania, and the vote succeeded with a margin of one vote. This lapse in tactical planning gave Romania the option to close the other one of the two MPP-stacks they’ve launched. The Romanian tactical genius’s however decided it’s essential to attack anything that moves in order to preserve the initiative. I’m not surprised by this kind of behaviour from a nation who honestly believed they can win twelve battles in a row against the entire of PHX by themselves.
Therefore, fearing that Serbia, who were blocked in Asia would instead attack their original regions and flip the initiative, Romania mounted a pre-emptive strike on Eastern Serbia, opening the very same war with Bulgaria they closed just minutes before. Well, Bulgaria isn’t going to attack and launch all Romanian MPP😒 against them, they have experiences from where that will lead them, right? The Romanian warlords however considered this as a viable possibility and attacked Bulgaria, opening up the MPP-stack they were graciously given the chance to close. Phoenix tips their hats at them.

Romania gunning everything in sight.

So, with Romania activating three MPP-stacks, their destiny is to go down at some point. Bogdan_L states this might be good for the country, much as the failed Finnish invasion against Russia. Romania is counting on China to block Serbia and themselves blocking Bulgaria all the time, but at some point the Gold will end or someone forgets to do their part, and Romania shall meet their enemies in full might in a struggle for Romanian existence.

In the Western Front of the Balkan war, Croatia has succeeded in conquering a major economical region of Hungary. Western Transdanubia is home to 567 companies, 500 of them manufacturing goods for the Hungarian population. In contrary California hosts only 300 companies, and we can remember how huge the impact of losing it was for the United States back then.
We have to remember that Hungary was “designed” geographically to solely defend from an invasion coming from Romania. Hungary and Romania are both original countries while Croatia was created after the game start. Hungary and Croatia weren’t meant to be enemies but the invasion of Serbia and the huge population rise there along with Croatia aligning with Romania naturally alienated the two countries, like the opposite poles of a magnet.

The majority of Hungarians live in Heilongjiang or Central Hungary, but their war efforts are greatly disrupted by the loss of their economical centre. HLJ is afterall providing only Iron, and without the weapon companies buying it the iron becomes useless and Hungary might face economical difficulties. The campaign will not last for long though due to Hungary being a small country, so they will not face the same sort of catastrophic conditions like when USA was reduced to Florida.

Thrilled by their success in W. Transdanubia, Croatia is currently attacking Central Transdanubia and Southern Great Plain. Romania is accompanying by attacking the Hungarian capital of Central Hungary, aiming to fulfil their long-lasting dream of marching in the streets of the virtual Budapest as conquerors.

In other parts of the World.

Poland has reclaimed their lost province of Pomerania as Russia retreated it to concentrate their war efforts on conquering Jilin. Germany declared war on Netherlands, attacked it, gained a free war with Russia and reclaimed Berlin. They now lack only the Swedish occupied Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg to reach their full original borders.

China has attacked HLJ to draw off damage from the Hungarian main front. Russia attacked Jilin as they noticed that all of China’s MPP-nations are occupied in their own fronts, and if the attack succeeds, China is denied the possibility to harass Hungary with constant attacks on HLJ in the future.

Israel and Greece are combining forces to invade the Turkish region of Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. The Greek attack has a possibility of succeeding as the main PHX nations are busy fighting other battles.


In the end I want to thank you all for my second Media Mogul Medal. I’m the first Finn to get two, and I am very proud of them both. After buying a new computer, I will change the interface of these articles to perhaps more reader-friendly, and I can write articles more regularly when I don’t have to fight with my computer for several hours to publish articles or surf in the Internet in general.