New Countries, New Borders, New Mastercards

Day 1,149, 15:50 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa

New Countries have been announced and according to the admins they will join eRepublic in 7 days. These new countries are 3 Arab states, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Also acording to the annoncement, these 3 new countries will border Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Turkey and Iran.

Let us take a look of how the map of the area will look like.
According to official Real Life sources, Egypt has 29 administartive divisions, S.Arabia has 13 and UAE 7. Judging by their size though, and based on the tactics of eRep administration, there are not going to be that many in each country.

My estimation is the following:
Egypt will have around 9, S.Arabia 9 and UAE 3.
Of course I might be wrong, but for the time being I will use those numbers to proceed. Based on the above I drew a map of the area and tried to guess the borders and this came out:

Click on the image for bigger size

As you can easily see, I am also pointing out the possible borders of those 3 new countries. I did it this way after reading carefully the announcement of the admins about the new borders of already existin countries. I noticed that they opened sea borders but they kept closed the blank lands (missing countries) between 2 states.

So according to the above map, the scenery at Eastern Mediterranean Sea changes rapidly.
UAE is bordering S.Arabia and Iran's Hormozgan. S.Arabia probably borders Southwestern Iran also. It also borders Israeli Beersheba South District and one Egyptian region. Last, Egypt has a border with Greece's Crete, Turkey's Medi coast, CYprus' South Cyprus and Israeli Beersheba South District.

Real life issues come in play now. Israelis rivalry with Egypt and S.Arabia on one hand and Iran against UAE on the other. A lot will also depend on the resources given to those regions. Oil and grain are the certain ones. I would bet on fruits too and some fish, but oil and grain are the key words here.

How are the Eastern Med countries going to move about? We know Turkey is going to look for a new grain source, since it seems that North Cyprus is secured and locked by the Greeks. So my guess is that Israel and ultimately one of the new states that will have grain, will be the new target for Turkey.

But here is the chance for Israel to step up. A secondary member of EDEN, Israel will not only have the hard task to defend its own lands against Turkey, but also look around for precious raw materials that will put the country in the economic map and will make it competitive in an industry. Greece for the moment should have no interest in expanding south. Has iron and grain already and there is only the prospect of oil to complete all 3 high raws. And there is going to be a lot of that in the area.

Turkey also will have to be very careful now with the new borders they have aquired. Romania finally will have a shot to prove their strength against a multi army that is growing faster than Greek deficit and Turkey will have one more hostile country to give them headache. My guess is that we will experience a new multi boom in Turkey with the population rising and dropping like a runner's heart diagram after breaking the world record in 100 meter race.

Let us not forget that Turkey now borders Russia (friendly) and Ukraine (hostile). Another new border is between Russia and Bulgaria. Now here is a nice puzzle. Turkey can use the Russians and their protectorate FYROM to drain damage and perform secondary attacks on either Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine or even Greece while the main battle can be fought by Turkey in another front. Although Turks are already complaining for bordering 11 countries, my estimation is that is in their benefit if they prove smart enough.

Starting next week, there are going to be another 45 days (according to previous countries addittions) that the new countries will have immunity. These 45 days will be very crucial for their future. Also, people will have the chance to fill up their Mastercards in those 45 days because I see big guns preparing for the new hunt.

We havent seen that many natives from those countries and this means that there is going to be an influx. People from around the world will move and settle there. It remains to be seen who will act having the best interest of the country in their heads.

Thank you