Day 888, 12:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jazzaa


The elections this month have been hectic, with more mobile voting than ever before and a high voter turnout. It was that time of month again, when we all embraced the millions of advertisements, annoying PM’s from people not even in our party and propaganda stunts from the “Big 5” all trying to gain our all important votes for congress.

These are the guys (and girls) you chose to represent you this month in the House of Commons:

1) Jamesw – London
Representing TUP, 6th Time in Congress (4x North-West, 2x London), Former President of TUP, 1x Minister for Profit, 2x Minister for Work

2) Craig Rossiter - London
Representing UKRP, 5th Time in Congress (4x South-West, 1x London), 2x Minister for Work, Former HoL.

3) John Bartlett – London
Representing Spectrum (Formerly RFA), 6th Time in Congress, Member of HoL, Worked in various ministries.

4) Artela – South-West
Representing TRS (Now moved to the SDP), 1st Time in Congress.

5) Temujin94 – North-West
Representin Spectrum, 1st Time in Congress, ex-Party President of PDP, 2x MoHA apprentice, 1x MoW apprentice.

6) Sir Humphrey Appleby – Yorkshire + Humberside
Representing UKRP, 1st Time in Congress, uMoW.

7) Dendodge – Yorkshire + Humberside
Representing TUP, 1st Time in Congress.

😎 Kravenn – Yorkshire + Humberside
Representing TUP, 8th Time in Congress (3x in eUNL, 5x eUK), 2x Party President in eUNL.

9) Darkmantle – Scotland
Representing UKRP, 3rd Time in Congress, Party President of UKRP, uMoLA, 1x MoF apprentice.

10) Gabriel McCook - Scotland
Representing Spectrum, 2nd Time in Congress, 1x MoHA apprentice, 1x MoR apprentice.

11) Longbaugh – West Midlands
Representing Spectrum, 5th Time in Congress.

12) Jhorlin – North-East
Representing UKRP, 3rd Time in Congress, Chairman of North East Council.

13) Margaret H Thatcher – West Midlands
Representing UKRP, 2nd Time in Congress, Works for MoFA + MoF

14) Skillz88 – West Midlands
Representing TUP, 5th Time in Congress, 4x MoHA apprentice.

15) Othere Salvatore - Scotland
Representing TUP, 2nd Time in Congress.

16) Nicoli Pace – East Midlands
Representing Spectrum, 1st Time in Congress.

17) Detroit34 – East Midlands
Representing UKRP, 6th Time in Congress.

1😎 Mr Woldy – Northern Ireland
Representing TUP, 8th Time in Congress, 3x Country President, Has worked as MoFA, MoHA + MoW, ex-Party President of TUP, Member of HoL.

19) Master Hofkens – North-West
Representing UKRP, 4th Time in Congress, 1x MoW apprentice.

20) Pensive – North-East
Representing TUP, 4th Time in Congress, 2x MoD, 1x uMoHA, 1x uMoFA.

21) Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado – North-East
Representing TUP, 1st Time in Congress.

22) Asher Di Immortales – East Midlands
Representing TUP, 6th Time in Congress, 1x uMoE, 1x uMoR, Vice Party President of TUP.

23) Steve Steinbeck – South-East
Representing UKRP, 4th Time in Congress, ex-UKRP Party President, Cabinet Secretary, Various work in Ministries.

24) Andy Millward – East of England
Representing Spectrum, 3rd Time in Congress.

25) Abedecian – South-West
Representing Spectrum, 2nd Time in Congress, 2xuMoHA, also worked in MoFA and MoR.

26) Michael Chertiozhnik – North-West
Representing TUP, 2nd Time in Congress, works in MoR.

27) Certacito – Northern Ireland
Representing UKRP, 17th Time in Congress, Vice Party President of UKRP.

2😎 Stefan1992 – South-East
Representing TUP, 13th Time in Congress, Former TUP PP x2, 1x MoFA, uMoHA’s for education, South East council chairman.

29) Bowen199 – South-East
Representing PCP, 9th Time in Congress, Worked in MoHA, MoF, MoW and MoFA as well as 1 x uMoT, and 3x uMoLA

30) Dan Moir – East of England
Representing TUP, 5th Time in Congress, Party President of TUP, 1x MoHA.

31) Karacticus – Wales
Representing TUP, 7th Time in Congress, 1x Country President, 3x MoHA

32) Mike Kelley – Wales
Representing TUP, 3rd Time in Congress, Worked in MoHA.

33) Serbian Citizen – Northern Ireland
Representing TUP, 1st Time in Congress.

34) Altaiair – South-West
Representing TUP, 3rd Time in Congress, 2x MoHA apprentice, 1x MoR apprentice.

35) Drobinson09 – Wales
Representing UKRP, 2nd Time in Congress.

36) Tony Evans – East of England
Representing UKRP, 3rd Time in Congress.

37) Elbanaan – London
Representing PCP, 6th Time in Congress, MoF.

3😎 JerryGFL – London
Representing UKRP, 7th Time in Congress, ex- Country President, ex - Party President of UKRP, Worked in several Ministries.

39) Funky44 – London
Representing TRS, 4th Time in Congress, ex – UKRP Party President, Worked in MoT and as MoD, also been member of HoL.

40) Skalg Von Tuari – London
Representing TUP, 2nd Time in Congress, 1x MoHA apprentice and 1x MoR apprentice.

So there you go, there’s all your congress people for this month. Well done to TUP and UKRP for very successful campaigns,

And please remember to VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE (Y)

Kind Regards,
